Path of Exile


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
I knew the bleed explosions didn't work, but holy fuck no wonder Bladestorm felt just completely worthless compared to cyclone. From their weekly blog:
  1. Bladestorm's initial hit doesn't actually hit.
  2. We're aware that many players are feeling frustrated that some on-kill mechanics don't currently interact nicely with Legion, including the explosions from Gratuitous Violence on the Gladiator's Ascendancy Skill Tree, in addition to a few other Ascendancy skills.
Might be time to give the gladiator another shot.


Bronze Baron of the Realm
Anyone playing something that works well in legion and is fun. The ED/Contagion build is effective it's just not my thing. Any ideas?


<Bronze Donator>
Anyone in the guild throw me an invite? It occurs to me after failing to find a t13 red map for zana's quest for the 370th whisper in a row may be easier to actually play with other people in this. I don't really care about the loot part but sharing maps for the atlas completion seems like it'd be a hell of a lot more enjoyable. Character name is Amaranthy
Tried to invite you, whoever was playing that character declined.


Trump's Staff
Glass cannon? You can build it to be relatively tanky. A bit one-shotty since it's mostly evasion, but certainly not a glass cannon.

I'm going to try this next.

Reminds me of a D3 Whirlwind barb with the tornadoes, but cooler and not in a game that gets stale in 5 hours.
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Bronze Baron of the Realm
Thanks for quoting his post with video. I saw meatball and had no idea. I guess I just wasn't seeing his post where he posted that. Always amusing to watch videos people have the sound on, kind of odd sine I have it all off other than loot sounds.

I may just redo the cyclone build I had. Somehow I lost the character at act 9. I'm at act 9 on my ED build and not really like it. So off to research for 30 seconds before I make another start lol. 100% user error. My brain is kind of lagging the last week really hard.


<Bronze Donator>
Reminds me of a D3 Whirlwind barb with the tornadoes, but cooler and not in a game that gets stale in 5 hours.
Yeah, nevermind on that. CwC doesn't cast immediately and then go on cooldown like CoC, making clearing with it mega gay.


Bronze Baron of the Realm
So starting my 3rd lvl thru the acts. Oddly enough the more times I go thru the story (I hate it) the longer it takes.


Blackwing Lair Raider
anyone successfully craft a ‘supported by maim’ Chest here? Holy shit I went thru 10 serrated today and didn’t even see it once. 3 of those were with a sanctified fossil too


Blackwing Lair Raider
anyone successfully craft a ‘supported by maim’ Chest here? Holy shit I went thru 10 serrated today and didn’t even see it once. 3 of those were with a sanctified fossil too

I think i used 5 (2 sanctified fails) 115ish +4% hp and maim. I spent 6 ex on the elder base so im gonna reroll it once i get some more serrated.


<Silver Donator>
anyone successfully craft a ‘supported by maim’ Chest here? Holy shit I went thru 10 serrated today and didn’t even see it once. 3 of those were with a sanctified fossil too
It's fairly RNG and not that common, supposedly. There was someone bitching on reddit about burning 45 fossils and only getting maim 3times, so yeah.


Trakanon Raider
Ok guys, I've been testing some low-level legion farming and here's what I've found.

Alleyways (T2) is by far the best map. The legion is close to the entrance, and in an open area 95% of the time. 5% of the time, a master could appear on the map, which for some reason causes it to spawn further in. I still go in and try to find it but i wont waste too much time on it. I'm able to do 1 map every 1.4-1.5 minutes or so depending.

Players sell this map for 1 alch or 1 fusing, and you more than make that up in the first few seconds of a map. On a shitty map, you'll at least break even. Density is huge at the start of the map too. Every 20 maps you end up with about 10-15 templar, 5-10 maraketh, 20-30 eternal empire, 10-20 vaal, and 45-60 karui splinters. You will get about 2-6 stacked decks, sometimes more. I've had a 45c sword drop as well (last map of below video), and about 5-8 incubators per 20 maps. Saints Treasure drops from here, and I've gotten 2 cards in 60 maps. 10 cards gives 2 ex. Also notice the charged breachstone in there, that was from an incubator I got from farming. All the incubators are ones I got from the alleyways farm.

(I just uploaded the video so if its 360p its still processing)

You running Carcass Jack for that aoe ?


I played this game when it was in beta and then again (briefly) at launch. Just came back to it now and... wow. It is like a whole other language people are speaking in general/trade.

Up to mid 50s, doing a Witch build into Specters. Did not really look too much up, but it seems I am only 10ish points off of most of the popular Legion builds.

Guess it is okay for farming stuff, so long as I stay off screen and let the pets do their work.


Trakanon Raider
I played this game when it was in beta and then again (briefly) at launch. Just came back to it now and... wow. It is like a whole other language people are speaking in general/trade.

Up to mid 50s, doing a Witch build into Specters. Did not really look too much up, but it seems I am only 10ish points off of most of the popular Legion builds.

Guess it is okay for farming stuff, so long as I stay off screen and let the pets do their work.
Don't forget to do the labyrinth
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Trump's Staff
So starting my 3rd lvl thru the acts. Oddly enough the more times I go thru the story (I hate it) the longer it takes.

If they figured out a cool alternate way to get to end-game besides the story, I would be a lot more willing to try lots of different builds.

I played this game when it was in beta and then again (briefly) at launch. Just came back to it now and... wow. It is like a whole other language people are speaking in general/trade.

Up to mid 50s, doing a Witch build into Specters. Did not really look too much up, but it seems I am only 10ish points off of most of the popular Legion builds.

Guess it is okay for farming stuff, so long as I stay off screen and let the pets do their work.

I really liked Spectres Necromancer. I tried it last league and found it really strong and a nice playstyle. I guess a lot of people don't like the passive style of it though.
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Avatar of War Slayer
Saw some crazy gloomfang magma orb builds a while ago, but nothing beats movement skills atm I think
yeah. This was my big deal with melee. and I've been behind. melee rework needs to pack in mobility to melee attacks. Thats the problem. The need to run into position. attack, run to straggler, attack, run to next pack, attack.
Ranged skills attack first, then move. And can target everything on screen, and usually a bit off screen, THEN move. So a melee is move, attack, move attack, move, attack. Ranged is attack, attack, move, attack attack move.
The "blink" skills do not solve this at all. They just add another useless keypress, and waste a gemslot.

I gave up on bladestorm. Swapped to Cyclone. same passives/skillgems.
That "first hit misses" is not 100%. but still the skill is just weak. The base hits need higher % or, blade/sandstorms need to stack higher then 3.

Also a raider so now my cyclone is god damned sonic/samus, spinning through at +70% move speed after all reductions..

Took molten shell off of cwdt. The duration, and instant cast. self cast is way better.

(I am way behind, not even in maps yet. work..)


yeah. This was my big deal with melee. and I've been behind. melee rework needs to pack in mobility to melee attacks. Thats the problem. The need to run into position. attack, run to straggler, attack, run to next pack, attack.
Ranged skills attack first, then move. And can target everything on screen, and usually a bit off screen, THEN move. So a melee is move, attack, move attack, move, attack. Ranged is attack, attack, move, attack attack move.
The "blink" skills do not solve this at all. They just add another useless keypress, and waste a gemslot.

I gave up on bladestorm. Swapped to Cyclone. same passives/skillgems.
That "first hit misses" is not 100%. but still the skill is just weak. The base hits need higher % or, blade/sandstorms need to stack higher then 3.

Also a raider so now my cyclone is god damned sonic/samus, spinning through at +70% move speed after all reductions..

Took molten shell off of cwdt. The duration, and instant cast. self cast is way better.

(I am way behind, not even in maps yet. work..)

Yeah the ways things are headed they will be turning leap attack and dash into supports so you can move spam around with all the other stuff too. We are on the slippery slope.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Crushed Merc Lab and did a Deathless Kitava to bring me into maps on my ED/Contagion Trickster. I'm loving this build.
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Molten Core Raider
yeah. This was my big deal with melee. and I've been behind. melee rework needs to pack in mobility to melee attacks. Thats the problem. The need to run into position. attack, run to straggler, attack, run to next pack, attack.
Ranged skills attack first, then move. And can target everything on screen, and usually a bit off screen, THEN move. So a melee is move, attack, move attack, move, attack. Ranged is attack, attack, move, attack attack move.
The "blink" skills do not solve this at all. They just add another useless keypress, and waste a gemslot.

I gave up on bladestorm. Swapped to Cyclone. same passives/skillgems.
That "first hit misses" is not 100%. but still the skill is just weak. The base hits need higher % or, blade/sandstorms need to stack higher then 3.

Also a raider so now my cyclone is god damned sonic/samus, spinning through at +70% move speed after all reductions..

Took molten shell off of cwdt. The duration, and instant cast. self cast is way better.

(I am way behind, not even in maps yet. work..)

I don’t really feel they improved melee at all as far as gameplay. What you just described was the main issue with melee. Just getting in to attack stuff can get you killed and it’s slower now than it used to be. The game is sort of backwards. The fastest moving classes get the best aoe. I have joined leech groups in the past and I could not keep up with the main attacker who not only killed the entire screen with a button press but also ran so fucking fast that I could not keep up even though I never attacked anything used quicksilvers and spammed movement. What they’ve really done was buff cyclone and slayer such that they’re fun to play but really, what other skills are that much better off than they were? Tons of shit was “playable” before the patch and there were some dps buffs but its all pretty much functionally the same gameplay. Doesn’t help that the game has so many bugs and performance issues right now, maybe the improvements they’ve tried to make will show up once that’s sorted. I could also just be salty from them ruining tec slam which would’ve been tits for this league. Ok I’m definately salty about it but at least cyclone is pretty fun for now until they gut it in two months.
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