Path of Exile


Rogue Deathwalker Box
<Silver Donator>
Look, another worthless Bubbles post.

Avoiding companies or products with any ties to China is going to be extremely hard.

And yet completely worth it.

I might play PoE again, but will never give them another cent
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<Bronze Donator>
Mayhem starts today at 3PM EST. It's been a few years since the last one, I highly recommend it.

Thanks to Kythik Kythik for loaning me his HH. Makes a great twink item! Haven't tried it in serious mapping.
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Log Wizard
Mayhem leagues are definitely fun. Just watch your ass in Labs. You never know where 10 exiles are hiding at once.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Invasion can spawn in lab reward rooms too heh.

Gonna try some SSF glad bleed nonsense and see how far I get.


<Bronze Donator>
Anyone got that clip of Mathil dieing to the reflect Invasion boss at the end of lab? Twitch deleted it.

ronne ronne I was leveling a bleed gladiator in anticipation for this event. I could not get the bow version to a feelsgood level of DPS without Assailum, which I'm assuming won't be cheaply available. And even then, the clear with Split Arrow was kinda meh. EQ bleed was much better in terms of DPS in shitty gear but the clear coverage was meh and I don't how gear could really help that. Would it be OP for bleed to get some kind of prolif?

I decided to roll TR Pathfinder for the event. You're going SSF to see if you can get a Demis?


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Anyone got that clip of Mathil dieing to the reflect Invasion boss at the end of lab? Twitch deleted it.

ronne ronne I was leveling a bleed gladiator in anticipation for this event. I could not get the bow version to a feelsgood level of DPS without Assailum, which I'm assuming won't be cheaply available. And even then, the clear with Split Arrow was kinda meh. EQ bleed was much better in terms of DPS in shitty gear but the clear coverage was meh and I don't how gear could really help that. Would it be OP for bleed to get some kind of prolif?

I decided to roll TR Pathfinder for the event. You're going SSF to see if you can get a Demis?

I'm mostly going SSF to see how it feels with the event rewards all over just to get a taste of it. I suspect it's gonna be frustrating in a few ways even with the mayhem shit happening.

I'm not sure if bleed bow functions without assailum honestly. I guess you could run 2 6-links, or gemswap puncture to your main link? But even then the boss damage is probably not amazing. Earthquake is definitely the strongest out of all of it, but scaling the AE to feel decent is a bit of a stretch yea. You really end up relying on fist of war and seismic cry to get any kind of decent coverage, and I was using pulverize too I think last time I played it, but that was before pulverize got ultra cucked so probably not worth it now.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
I"m skipping the events....I picked up Final Fantasy 14 on a whim. Now I'm picking up bear asses.
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<Gold Donor>
I cant personally see how anyone can play this game league after league, time and time again as a full time game. I mean, I play a league or two per year and im all set, already sick of it.
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Molten Core Raider
I might do the delve event but I'm not sure. The only goals left to do in-game are craft a relevant mirror-tier item and delve to 6k.


Log Wizard
Got lvl 82. Minions so it doesn't even really count. Some great stuff with lockboxes being low-key the best mod in my opinion. Harbingers are fucking great for exp, breaches would be better without a timegate, exiles are nice loot explosion, ghosts are good if you can herd them correctly, and invasion bosses are probably the worst with no real benefit besides some more quant from being uniques.

Did my first uber trial and didn't notice anything until I ran up to the tablet you click. 20 Harbingers just chilling there. Pretty lulzy.

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Silver Baronet of the Realm
I cant personally see how anyone can play this game league after league, time and time again as a full time game. I mean, I play a league or two per year and im all set, already sick of it.
Up until the past two leagues, I had no issues. 5-8 characters per league on casual-seque time. Last two leagues I think I did 3 each and was done with a month left. Harvest and Heist were cool in terms of getting ridiculous gear or having it rain, but fun-wise they were the worst leagues since I started playing in 2018.

I actually find a lot of the skills repetitive and boring. The meta this league was kinda meh. And the fact that crafting sucks and you might pick up a worthwhile rare like 1-2 times a league. POE2 would be very welcome I think.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I cant personally see how anyone can play this game league after league, time and time again as a full time game. I mean, I play a league or two per year and im all set, already sick of it.
I've got storyline burnout. I like trying new things/builds, but I can only go through the storyline so many times before burning out. I really wish there was an alternative after going through it once per league.
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Potato del Grande
I've got storyline burnout. I like trying new things/builds, but I can only go through the storyline so many times before burning out. I really wish there was an alternative after going through it once per league.

Its why I've long maintained that total/free respec is what this game needs so during a league I can experiment with many different builds.
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Triggered Happy
They should give you access to the map device and the mine from level 1 if you've completed the story once in a league. It wouldn't be hard for them to downscale maps to player level for 10, 20, 30, etc up to say 60. Personally I hate doing the story, it's a chore and just serves to be a pain in the arse more than anything else. Some builds are just so shit to level and don't come into their own till later, melee being particularly unenjoyable if you compare it to a fast miner or something.

Mapping or delving through the first 60 levels would be great, at least then you can do it in an hour or so. I'd probably make more characters if this was the case and maybe stay playing a bit longer.

I'm certain it puts people off having to do it over and over, and lots of players just think "fuck it, done 24 can't be arsed" and then quit for the rest of the league.
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Trump's Staff
As shit as D3 is in other ways they got the adventure mode shit right. Doing the story each time is balls
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<Bronze Donator>
They should give you access to the map device and the mine from level 1 if you've completed the story once in a league. It wouldn't be hard for them to downscale maps to player level for 10, 20, 30, etc up to say 60. Personally I hate doing the story, it's a chore and just serves to be a pain in the arse more than anything else. Some builds are just so shit to level and don't come into their own till later, melee being particularly unenjoyable if you compare it to a fast miner or something.

Mapping or delving through the first 60 levels would be great, at least then you can do it in an hour or so. I'd probably make more characters if this was the case and maybe stay playing a bit longer.

I'm certain it puts people off having to do it over and over, and lots of players just think "fuck it, done 24 can't be arsed" and then quit for the rest of the league.
So, "fuck it, done 24 can't be arsed", I agree with, but not for that specific reason. Once you get good at it, you can get to maps in ~4 hours in twink gear and a passive tree that requires a small amount of rejiggering. Hollow Palm for attack builds, some form of spellslinging for the remainder.

Compared to what should be a well invested character, leveling through the campaign is nothing, even if you suck at it. Octavian referenced something on the most recent Baeclast and called it "gear lock". Essentially, your next upgrades cost at least an exalt each. But so many slots are locked by uniques and/or capping resists, it becomes a real chore to touch multiple slots just to get an arguably miniscule upgrade in only one.

You want to keep playing, the league mechanic is fun(sometimes), but you don't want to play that certain minigame. So the only other option is roll a new character. So instead of blaming the problem(gear lock) that gave you that unsavory choice, I feel people instead blame the other option they usually take.

I feel that if they let people skip the campaign, they'd instead demonize the next step in the process.


Triggered Happy
So, "fuck it, done 24 can't be arsed", I agree with, but not for that specific reason. Once you get good at it, you can get to maps in ~4 hours in twink gear and a passive tree that requires a small amount of rejiggering. Hollow Palm for attack builds, some form of spellslinging for the remainder.

Compared to what should be a well invested character, leveling through the campaign is nothing, even if you suck at it. Octavian referenced something on the most recent Baeclast and called it "gear lock". Essentially, your next upgrades cost at least an exalt each. But so many slots are locked by uniques and/or capping resists, it becomes a real chore to touch multiple slots just to get an arguably miniscule upgrade in only one.

You want to keep playing, the league mechanic is fun(sometimes), but you don't want to play that certain minigame. So the only other option is roll a new character. So instead of blaming the problem(gear lock) that gave you that unsavory choice, I feel people instead blame the other option they usually take.

I feel that if they let people skip the campaign, they'd instead demonize the next step in the process.

It's still 4 hours that they force you to play that are unenjoyable for the most part. I also don't think that too many players actually do the story in 4 hours twinked or not, that's going to be the top 10% of players. Most people don't actually bother racing for a fast time as they have shit going on in RL etc, for some people levelling a new char could be 6-7 hours or longer. You're thinking about the game from a different viewpoint than the average joe player, this threads full of people that have played a long time and are skilled enough to do everything in the game on a half decent build but that's not the majority of players who play the game regularly.

It's' a pain in the ass they could easily remove to make the game more enjoyable for everyone (not easier). They don't have to remove the story, if you decide you wanna go do it in 2-3 hours you should still have that option too. But I feel like if they did give you another option to level more people would stay playing longer.
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Blackwing Lair Raider
Ya storyline burnout shouldn’t be a thing. Relative to how much time you spend playing endgame the storyline time is nothing. For me the game of ‘path of building ‘ takes up way more time than Poe itself
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Best Rabbit
<Gold Donor>
I am with dizzie dizzie the redoing the story shit in poe is fucking disgusting and I hate it. I don't mind having to do it once in a league, and that's it. But to have to do it for every single character is gay as fuck. I hate it. It's only semi-bearable because of having friends waypoint you to speed it up.
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