I've had a phobia of air travel after a spooky incident that happened during landing approach at TF Green. It started out as just being batshit scared every time I took a flight (was flying to and from the States 3+ times a year), and evolved into the full blown deal. Panic attacks in the middle of boarding, getting my seat changed to the front of the aircraft so I didn't disturb quite so many people. It's embarassing but after a certain point there's not much you can do to control it. Actually paid to go to a hypnotist when medications weren't working. Didn't work.
Things like Ativan and Xanax are risky. Xanax is well-known for causing paradoxical effects. The first few times I took it mellowed me out slightly, but after that point the higher doses actually made it worse. Would not recommend any sort've sleep aid or tranquilizer, especially if you haven't taken it before and aren't familiar with the effect it'll have on you.
It's probably different for a guy, but my phobia was enough for special treatment. One time I got moved to the row infront of the jump seats. Didn't have a credit card to pay for it, but the stewardesses kept giving me alcohol to keep me quiet. Was particularly shitfaced by the time we landed but it worked out better than being sober and hysterical.