Pit Bull Attacks And Kills Man Apparently Trying To Help Its Ailing Owner - BuzzFeed News
tldr: 2 old men 62/63 living upstairs/downstairs, one of em has medical condition calls paramedics, other old man comes and helps, paramedics come notice other old man being atttacked by dog, police called, both old men dead.
and yea, pit bull.
they're thinking it was the pit was protecting the owner, however you'd think if you live in the same house with a damn dog, you'd at least be able to call it's name or something, unless this is of those crazy dogs that only listen to the owner and are super protective. (cuz the owner is a retard and treat the dog like a baby, this seems the case to me, sounds like the other old guy just didn't know this dog, was probably scared of it)
Yes they are very big bullies like most big dogs, if you show you're scared of them they will push you around, also the guy probably never really brought the pit around alot of random people as it was growing up so it was probably one of those very isolated incidents where yeah the dog was treated like a baby never had contact with alot of random people while growing up.
the age of the owner matters very little if the dog was properly trained, thats literally it the end.
this guy should have taken the time to properly train him IE bring him to obedience class or at least watch a few videos on how to properly train an animal, because thats when you're a responsible owner, take the fucking time out and bring your giant dog you're afraid of to obedience training simple dont be a lazy fuck, training the dog is all that matters they dont snap for no reason and go on murderous rampages(as long as they dont sense any danger while their owner is around), yes if someone breaks into your house without a gun that person is going to get murdered by your pit, by design exactly how you wanted him too protect your ass, all the pits i have had have been great except 1, they were all trained to the point where if they heard my voice calling their name they stopped dead in their tracks, it happened all the time when i would take them out into the woods they would try to chase deer and shit.
also this whole argument of small dog = harmless is really dumb in the case of a small child alot of smaller dogs have worse tempers and bite more often than big ones, look at chihuahuas and boston terrier, yes granted it would take 10 bites to equal 1 pit snap but just painting them as psychotic murderous dogs who snap at any moment, like in this case on this old man is stupid.
there are really rare occasions though my dad had this dobi for about 12 years he took him to obedience was well trained could sit on command for 30minutes or so just waiting all that kind of stuff, my dad loved this dog brought it with him everywhere treated him like a king and even won a couple dog shows with him he was very well behaved, until i was born my dad had spent so much time with this dog that it was literally jealous of me after i was born, i cant remember how old i was it was under a year i was really small still, but my dad went to hold me and out of no where the dog jumped up and bit me in the face, my dad had to put him down after that, as sad as it was.
but this argument is so tired honestly people if you're gonna buy a dog that you physically dont think you could stop it if he snaps, bring it to obedience school even if you can physically stop your dog its still a good thing to get him trained right, i cant stand when people literally just give the dog food and water and thats it, no training no type of introducing it to people as its a baby nothing.
I dont even understand this one, to get down to the story of what happened to the girl you gotta go down a bit but here, link if you care to read
Scarred Girlt Take Money From KFC - BuzzFeed News
A few weeks ago, 3-year-old Victoria Wilcher was attacked by three pit bulls when they burst through the trailer of her grandfather's house, how and why did 3 pitbulls just basically break into a trailer? im assuming it was just a screen door and the regular one was open, but still WHY would 3 pits go into that trailer and attack that girl, thats crazy.