Life's a Dream
There is a "Pets" thread, but it's more about pet death than anything else. But we can convert it to just any pet discussion.My mother has a toy poodle she got from a reputable breeder. She had not had a pet in years and wanted a "nice poodle." In her mind, poodles = class. God bless her.
It is barely a toy though; frankly it springs around like a preying mantis with springs for legs. It can't weigh more than 4 pounds.
Dog is totally on all the time. Requires total attention. My parents are retirees and up to it, so it is a good match but damn.
The dog is cool when I visit, but it is hilarious to watch how much my parents work everything around making sure Alfie is ok.
High maintenance I guess is the word.
My old Silky Terrier was pretty high maintenance. I had to "spend time" or he became a PITA, fast. But nowhere near my mom's poodle. Whole other level
edit: is a pet forum maybe an idea? This a nice thread. But what about people who keep fish?
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So Baku's belly is a little larger than normal and he's limping a bit, so I took him to the vet today. Turns out he has a fairly large tumor in his chest area that must have ruptured, and it's filling his belly with blood. Not his stomach, mind you. This is an under the skin thing. The...