That's correct, how they balance pop these days. Or you get stuck on Koltyr.
Most people don't want to switch factions due to time/money spent on one. I'm hoping with this fourth factions you can use your specific unlocks earned on other characters on that faction. I don't mind jumping around factions but the server my main is on is dead.
I deleted my character with several auraxiumed classes with black camo. i loved the game but the game is in such a shit state for the last year and a half.
They made an asian server, so a lot of them went there now. I made a Vanu alt to fuck around there, and now I'm that asshole with 250-350 ms lag. It's a shot of their own medicine as they die around corners
Surprisingly the game held up pretty well. Graphics are no BF5, but then what do yo expect from a game that has thousands fighting each other instead of 64. DX11 should help a ton too. there are times still in those 100+ vs 100+ where the server still cannot keep up and you have the old issue of people just appearing and disappearing right in front of you. Netcode is still a bit wonky too.
That aside, the game is fun as hell. I cant believe no one else tried to recreate this.
Nothing to this day really hits the full army v army batters like ps2 played for a few hours with friends and it still is pretty damn fun. Had a big tank battle which is always enjoyable.
Like i said, I cant believe no one tried to copy this game. Like and AAA studio, lol not SOE or Daybreak. Could you imagine this on frostbite engine, say BF4 type shit?
I agree, I have been a long time fan ever since the early days of the original Planetside. Along with EQ, they are my favorite MMOs by far. There is nothing quite like it on the market. Maybe WWII Online, just maybe.
Like i said, I cant believe no one tried to copy this game. Like and AAA studio, lol not SOE or Daybreak. Could you imagine this on frostbite engine, say BF4 type shit?
This was always my confusion as well. For as many things as other companies have pillaged idea wise from SOE/daybreak over the years nothing ever really competed vs planetside or planetside 2. Honestly the graphics on my new system when I can crank everything up in planetside 2 it is pretty in its own way and the graphics are really solid. Anything much more given the sizes of battles and shit would get choppy so I am not sure a game like this could ever do full on BF4 type graphics but what it does is still really solid look wise. One thing I always liked about this game is you can do more crazy shit if you are really good with the game but the battles are big enough a couple really good people on one side in a fight is likely not enough to really turn the fight and the pure numbers mitigates now well anybody does.
Most shooters after a few years the only people left playing them are the hard core zelots where it just is such a skill wall going into them as a new player they are just not enjoyable. For planetside 2 even if you totally blow ass as a FPS player they have good and enjoyable support options of medics and engineers that do very useful stuff for those who are aim challenged. It gets pretty intense running through a huge scrum behind a pair of maxes when you are just a puny mechanic with your glue gun frantically trying to not die and not accidentally get shot in the face by one of the maxes you are keeping repaired.