I heard people mention a net limiter. I'm guessing it is a tool to throttle incoming packets. This probably explains how some people can bust into a room and kill 5 people that are all shooting at them.
It goes way beyond net limiter. The same people have been cheating at PS2 for years. Some of them were doing it way back in the PS1 days. A fully modern Planet Side 1 Style game with active inventory and not this bullshit battlefield style class system of PS2 would be the fucking tits. Shit, just PS1 released with proper anti-cheat and fixed net code would be super fun. The issue with modern games like this is that it's extremely niche, by design as much of the players skill is removed from the game as possible to even the playing field and to reach as large an audience as possible.
Your average person will not continue to pay for a game when they just get rolled by the top 10% of players constantly. This is what games like Planet Side and Dark Age of Camelot learned. It's why we have games like World of Warcraft and PS2.
If I remember correctly, during alpha, they said they only want the power of a character ever to be a 20% difference between no gear and maxed out gear. That way your more skilled players could never out pace the rest of the player base to a certain degree.
If you pay attention to what nerfs have been made in PS2 you'll realize a lot of them were made to mitigate against higher skilled gameplay. For example; Air superiority fighters. Your average player isn't going to go 20:1, 40:1, or 80:1 in dog fights. They might go 2:1 or 3:1. Some of us however, took the time, figured out the mechanics, honed our skills, then absolutely shit on everyone else in the air. This of course drives away your average player so they nerfed the piss out of everything in the air.
So PS2 has this issue where they have narrowed the gap in player skill with game mechanics, they've evened the playing field so to speak. A funny side effect of this is that it paints a giant target on the people that cheat. They become a statistical anomaly. They may be a good player to begin with, but even the greatest players have off days. No one plays "in the zone" or at peak at all times. Some cheats just make a good player look like they are having a great day, all the time. You can find these people in PS2. Just look at the stats of players, especially in vehicles like the mag rider where they just never miss. There's whole groups of them like that.
I know that entire outfits have reported people for crazy in-the-open cheating and nothing was ever done. The game can be fun at times but when cheating on this level takes place.. Meh.