A few guys in the outfit said if restarted the game it fixed their FPS issues.Patch raped my FPS, lost 10-20 fps, and driving a vehicle is even worse.
Most of us are on TR on Jaeger. Send a tell to RegimeTR, Baconia, or Tow for an invite. There are other posters on other servers and factions though if you want to be NC or VS.Downloading PS2 now -- complete total newbie. What server/faction should I pick to roll with you guys?
They are are going to give alpha squad boost back to everyone.p.s.
Remember when I said to keep your Alpha Squad boost bros? lol
Skyguard is a pile of crap and the Guass Saw still felt like shit. GD-22 FTW.Skyguard's still crap and does less than 2 dual burster maxes (which is fucking retarded for how much more vulnerable they are, less maneuverable, higher priority target, and higher resource cost).
I was pleasantly surprised by the SMG. Not sure how they stack up to shotguns, but I racked up some serious kills during my trial time.
And yes, the Gauss saw does feel like it got an accuracy and/or dmg nerf.
it's alot better then yesterday but ya I am still getting the stuttering.I have not been pleased with the "performance enhancements" for sure.