No, I am just a raging idiot. KRA! Shit is strong and I only really use it at night on my older working days, never got stoned before work once at any of my jobs tbh. Don't feel like killing anybody, and there are a lot of idiots walking around a Mansion on Kiawah island while I am operating a drill rig and have to be listening to watching fucking everything. I am happy to say every crew came home safe with all thier eyes, toes, fingers, and if I caught them without their hardhat on while around the drill rig, last time they don't have that fucker on when they are around that fucker. Supervising people I have to say is the hardest job I have ever had to do, although; I haven't been able to do any work since July 18, 2020, because I have a pending marijuana charge and the courts have been opened then closed, more often closed than open. Like they have closed again now after being open for a couple of months. Blah blah, spare me it that this particular plant is illegal in this state and state lines are real blah blah. I just want to get court over with and the fuck out of here for a while. Life is just too damn short, just had a friend since high school OD on Fentanyl a month ago. It is amazing the number of people I know who have died because of Fentanyl, it is more than we have an endemic problem with Fentanyl

to Mexico

to America either as already fake pressed pills or powder and the Mexicans with sterile brand new scientific oil fryer and rip the bag open and toss it in the with the black tar they are making, never weighed it, they are so good cooking that shit they are dying just to learn to cook it, these guys are so accurate with their measurements, the last thing the Sinaloa Cartel wants is to be sued by Johnny and Brandon's mothers after they made a bad batch of pills, ya know?)
So what's a kinfolk supposed to do to survive and pay taxes when I cannot get a job until the results that are never coming back from the lab, why would it come back? Because that cop kept that shit, I have no doubt about it and it was delta 8 anyways and I am practicing the Rastafari religion, Jah will protect me

. No Body Cam, No Dash Cam, still cannot get a court date, the solicitor is a bitch and won't drop it even though it is a non-violent marijuana charge. Oh, the reason he pulled me was, I was left of center and I was just heading home to mind my own fucking business and get ready for work the next day. Still keeping all my continuing education and licenses paid, don't feel like paying $200 to have to take my Well drilling test again when I can renew for $50 each year. I have been to court way too many times and all they want is my fucking money, and then more money for classes. Attorney General Allen Wilson can keep pushing his cancer sticks, but he is a dumbass, just as dumb ass ex-Attorney, Gen, now Governor Henry (Joe Biden of the South) McMaster, I did nothing to deserve this job, Trump, unfortunately, took our diamond in the rough Nikki Haley. I have spoken to every campaign running in this years election, and will be the first time I vote for a Democrat, Joe Cunningham may not be great, but he is under state matters, so I feel better with him being governor than his previous position in 1st SC Congressional District and he just served on term until Nancy Mace beat him in the 2020 Elections. I got a part-time job at a pipe shop but then I come down with covid last week.... and the hourly wage is about $20-$15 less then my trade skill, which I should be using instead of losing my mind, the only thing keeping me sane is LSD and Andrenochrome, no I have a coal forge and have been fucking around with that and Philipino whores from Madam Kamae's palace and fuck the state and feds even get to tax me! I'll leave you with this quote from current SC Attorney General Honorable Allen Wilson - "Marijuana is the most dangerous drug, know why? Because we know the least about it."
Well Mr. Wilson, we know tobacco is bad for you but we are still allowed to buy it. Alcohol which I put on par with Heroin(Fent) on worst drugs to use and then you can die from a alcohol withdrawal just like Benzodiazine precipitated withdrawl, they bind to the same receptors and you will have grand mal siezures. Oh yeah, I tried to look up one thing good McMaster has done since gaining office, and well it is shit. Apologize I have had a pretty fucking shitty year and a half, will be two on July 18. That damn rabbit tobacco.
Holy shit! That got off-topic pretty fucking quick, anybody got a disc PS5 they would like to sell?
And if you want to move to I have no clue what thread, politics thread, rustled jimmies, or fucking rickshaw the fucker, idgaf.
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