Pokemans and how to catch them with your phone - friend codes in OP


Trump's Staff
I did finally get my first Gyarados, was at 176 or so candies before the event started. I held off evolving until today because I was hoping for a decent shiny. Will be near impossible now though so I pulled the trigger. Was almost up to 500 total.

93% / 2737 CP / Dragon Tail & Outrage. Used almost all my dust to max him out and finally have something stronger than my 80% Vaporeon.


FF14 Free Company Master
<WoW Guild Officer>
A+ Event would do again.


Got a massive Chikorita nest near me, so that's one less I need to gather. Small Cyndaquil nest is gone though. Was only there for a few hours before the Water Festival kicked in.

Back to tons of shit pokemon now that the water event is over. Didn't get my shiny karp :(

You can still get Shiny karp. I have a place near me that spawns them en-mass, they won't be too hard to get.
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FF14 Free Company Master
<WoW Guild Officer>
Didn't even see a single Totodile during water event. :( At least I finally broke 200 Magikarp candy I guess.

I'd finished collecting Totodiles before the event. I saw dozens of them on the map but I didn't actually catch any. Kinda weird.

But why collect Totodiles when you can collect Croconaws?



<Bronze Donator>
I didn't do that great with the event either. Best 'mon I got from it is a piddly 1451CP Omastar.

Chrys, I know it's just a game, but I honestly sometimes get mad with jealousy over your stories of how sweet playing there is haha.


FF14 Free Company Master
<WoW Guild Officer>
I didn't do that great with the event either. Best 'mon I got from it is a piddly 1451CP Omastar.

Chrys, I know it's just a game, but I honestly sometimes get mad with jealousy over your stories of how sweet playing there is haha.

If Pokemon go makes you jealous, how do you feel about my 12 hour work week, 2gb internet and $5 amazing sushi?

Seriously though, if I wasn't in a big city, I probably wouldn't be playing anymore. If you want to move to Japan I'll be happy to set things up for you ;)

Edit: Found a Cyndaquil nest not so far away. Huzzah, I'm set!



Bronze Knight of the Realm
Best thing i got was a lapras and it was only like 500 cp. Did finally get to evolve psyduck and get a bunch of candies, still need both final forms of poliwag. Closest pokestop is like 10 miles from my home:(


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Oh, caught this guy yesterday after the event though.

Low cp but I'm a sucker for the dog pokemon and first I've seen. Always seem to find my fire/electric/rock pokemon by the docks.



Silver Knight of the Realm
Oh, caught this guy yesterday after the event though.

Low cp but I'm a sucker for the dog pokemon and first I've seen. Always seem to find my fire/electric/rock pokemon by the docks.

I really hope that whoever is going to make a REAL game using Augmented Reality takes a serious look at the city vs. country vs. suburbia issues in this game. I honestly don't know how I would balance the need for "making interactions with others significant" with the need for "not leaving out huge swathes of your target market."

I know this challenge isn't some new insight I'm having, but you just slapped with in the face with it B-Biscuit. In my college towns and big cities that I've been playing in, I'm usually passing on Houndours because I'm seeing dozens in an hour. Yet, I feel totally gimped compared to living in Chrysamere's hood.

It's like I'm Middle America, cursing the 1%, when there are pokemon-starved homeless children all across the game.
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Bronze Knight of the Realm
I really hope that whoever is going to make a REAL game using Augmented Reality takes a serious look at the city vs. country vs. suburbia issues in this game. I honestly don't know how I would balance the need for "making interactions with others significant" with the need for "not leaving out huge swathes of your target market."

I know this challenge isn't some new insight I'm having, but you just slapped with in the face with it B-Biscuit. In my college towns and big cities that I've been playing in, I'm usually passing on Houndours because I'm seeing dozens in an hour. Yet, I feel totally gimped compared to living in Chrysamere's hood.

It's like I'm Middle America, cursing the 1%, when there are pokemon-starved homeless children all across the game.

ZomboMeme 30032017133858.jpg
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Bronze Knight of the Realm
Japan is going to have a 15 minute public event where anyone can try to catch Mewtwo and the first person to get him ends the event for everyone: Exclusive Mewtwo Event In Japan Along With The Gym Rework

Edit - nm probably a stupid April fool's prank. Can't find confirmation.

If this did happen, I'd be so torn, cuz while i would certainly want MewTwo but if you win you're the most hated person amongst a sea of fellow pokemon enthusiasts that you happen to be swimming in at that exact moment.


EQ in a browser wait time: ____
Made my own PokemonGo type game. All the pokestops will be tourist locations around portland. This is a hella alpha version, first build.

Besides the tourist/travel shit im going to make one for protestors to gamify downtown protests around certain times/locations.

So, two apps I'm gonna make with this.



Vyemm Raider
I quit a while back, about the time "new" pokemon could only be hatched from eggs. new as in baby versions of existing pokemon. when I got a baby magmar, that was it for me.

my grievences are:

added crap mons to eggs
*security* measures added to the app in hopes of curbing spoofing and botting, but really only resulted in the app eating power like mad
pokestop drops really dropped. I remember hitting my local cluster of stops (11-12 stops I can hit right about as they refresh) for an hour and only getting a handful of revives. this made fighting over gyms impossible as I would have to spend 10x the amount of time looping stops to pay for the gym activity.

how's the game now in respect to my whineiness?
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Trump's Staff
Just finished off my Typhlosion yesterday thanks to nearby nest, completing my gen 2 starters. Still don't have Blastoise or Venasaur. #Balanced