While this is interesting it's worth noting that the Daily Mirror is a shitrag tabloid of a newspaper - I haven't seen anyone have a source for the story outside of this article so I've no idea how they would have it and nobody else.
No one besides Picard is involved right now. This is a Picard-centric concept to get the older millennial fans buzzing about Star Trek again.
So you can kill the memes. This is not a reunion show.
How is it going to be a reboot if old picard is in it passing the baton to a new generation? That's not what a reboot is.
Liberties with the movie/book canon. That's a rebooted timeline if the plot details are at odds with what the creators of those works wrote for that time period in any given year of TNG and its being done for a new younger cast.
Star Trek 2009: Picard Remix.
You're choosing to not call it rebooted because you are only taking into consideration the original television show-- that's on you as a personal choice.
Heh, DS9 reference? I remember O'Brian saying that when a Cardassian was asking why they put so much exra shit in the station's systems. They had backups of the backups.He'll be fine. Klingons have backup systems of their backup systems. You pretty much have to launch one into a star to kill them.
Heh, DS9 reference? I remember O'Brian saying that when a Cardassian was asking why they put so much exra shit in the station's systems. They had backups of the backups.
Not particularly. More when Worf got 'killed' at least once the backup systems in klingon biology plot armored him. Came up in ST:TNG originally. Might have been used here or there in DS9.
Mirror universe best universe, proven many times
That story is especially fucked up for Kira as she learns that in a different universe she would become exactly like one of the people she hates more than anyone - Gul Dukat. Vain, brutal, and happy to use her position to sexually exploit those below her.
"StarTrek fans are racist!" - WTF Our favorite series is strongly lead by two black dudes! Erm um fine, SEXIST - wtf DS9 has stronger woman than Janeway with Kira and Dax and hell even baby dax! - Fine, have a black girl named Michael... WTF
How do we not have Sisko returning in some form yet?
That actor was fucking amazing
Because Avery Brooks has gone nearly insane in his old age. He hasn't done any work since 2006, other than The Captains documentary where you have Shatner interviewing each of the captains. During Avery Brooks' interview, it's like he's in a permanent dazed state from the episode where he found the Bajoran relic and went all crazy....
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