That's a very nice photo.
Jeezus. I've seen Maine Coones that size but that obviously isn't that breed.This is our new cat Percy. He was at the pound. He's a big fucker. I posted his pic in another thread so this is a cross post. I'll get a good pic of him when he settles in. We've only had him for about a month.
View attachment 182348
Just a Domestic Short Hair. 17.8 lbs and not fat.Jeezus. I've seen Maine Coones that size but that obviously isn't that breed.
How tall is she? That cat looks like it's the size of a bobcat.This is our new cat Percy. He was at the pound. He's a big fucker. I posted his pic in another thread so this is a cross post. I'll get a good pic of him when he settles in. We've only had him for about a month.
View attachment 182348
She's 5' even. That cat's about the size of a small bobcat. He can walk up and casually look over the rim of a toilet.How tall is she? That cat looks like it's the size of a bobcat.
She's 5' even. That cat's about the size of a small bobcat. He can walk up and casually look over the rim of a toilet.
I'll see that and raise you one.View attachment 185709I see your cat sitting lazy. I present you my fat cat.