Dora is a year old now and stubborn as hell. Finally have her housebroken. Having trouble walking her now. Had a large dog that was off leash rush towards us a few weeks ago. I scooped her up pretty fast but now she is spooked by other dogs when walking or at the park. She even growls and barks at dogs on the TV now. She used to be laid back and pretty quiet before that.
The black Labrador got some auto immune disease last summer, started losing all her claws. Now we are 7 months into a Salmon based food diet and some really expensive pills she have to eat daily.
Luckily she seems to have responded to it and the new claws looks much better but not 100% and they probably never will. But now that the pain is gone she is like a puppy again even though she is 7 now.
Whelp bros, last week was her 15th birthday and today she decided she should move on. I couldn't ask for better friend. She's traveled all over Europe, went snowboarding, mountain biking and hiking with me. She's slept under almost every Brewery table in Bavaria, and she's never met a train she wasn't ready to jump on.
She's been moving slow more lately but nothing that would give much concern. Yesterday she didn't want to get off her pillow anymore. I spent the evening with her, this morning the kids said goodbye before school and the wife and I sat with her as she passed. She was the best. She clearly had a great life but I still selfishly want more time.
I get Purina dry food for my cat because sometimes he won't eat anything else. He's been eating it off and on for 14 years and is the picture of health despite already being beyond the average life expectancy IIRC.
Didn't know there were any Purina issues. I mean I don't trust cat food in general.
A new duck dog joined the family this weekend. She’s a monster! Old guy doesn’t much care for her, but he’s probably only got another hunt or three in him, so it’s time to get another one trained up. He’ll get used to her soon enough.