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<Silver Donator>
A Roomba didn't last long with my pups or pup I should say. Hymir (see photos above), who is extremely intelligent and obedient and also extremely active. His reward center is playing catch and playing with a medicine ball. His favorite things in the world. But... Roomba... It moves by itself and every time it moves it's time for battle in his mind. So, we decided it's cheaper to not buy them anymore. He's an asshole 😂
Every animal in our house seems to either fear the roomba, hate the noise it makes (so they run outside), or in the case of the cat maintain their paramount casual disdain for it like all other things.


<Gold Donor>
Every animal in our house seems to either fear the roomba, hate the noise it makes (so they run outside), or in the case of the cat maintain their paramount casual disdain for it like all other things.
My other two pups get jumpy. They avoid it and jump from couch to couch. Hymir goes to war with it.


Ssraeszha Raider


Log Wizard
<Gold Donor>
Sansa making it hard to work today staring at me all day like this.

Arya, however, is tuckered out from chirping at the bird feeding frenzy at the window earlier this morning.
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<Prior Amod>
My pitty, Olive, had cancer and with treatment it went into remission. After 6 months though it came back and her heart weakened so we can’t treat her again. Her quality of life is good now but she won’t make it to Christmas. She’s 10 and had an awesome life and is the best dog I’ve ever had. Gonna suck when we have to let her go.

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<Gold Donor>
This little dumbass , is crying/begging for some of our milkshakes with a pound of cream on his nose. How exactly are cats such an invasive species when they literally cannot see the food on their face?
  • 4Worf
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Log Wizard
<Gold Donor>
Anytime the whipped cream can comes out, Sansa is on her way over fluffin' her ass and lookin' cute so she can have some. Put a tiny dollop on my finger to lick off and everytime she has to inspect the shit out of it instead of just eating it. You know what it is. It's the same shit you come running over and yelling for every time you hear that can, just fucking eat it.
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Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
Cats are probably literally retarded. Mine won't eat raw meat from the fridge, and he only eats the heads of mice, leaves the asses just laying around everywhere. Absolutely demolishes baby rabbits though, and apparently just leaves random organs, and a fucking foot around.

Chicken outta the fridge? Fuck you.
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<Gold Donor>
Cats are probably literally retarded. Mine won't eat raw meat from the fridge, and he only eats the heads of mice, leaves the asses just laying around everywhere. Absolutely demolishes baby rabbits though, and apparently just leaves random organs, and a fucking foot around.View attachment 487068

Chicken outta the fridge? Fuck you.
They are retarded. Ours runs around the house randomly yelling, because it needs to poop. It will keep doing it until you tell it to go poop, then it hits the litter box. Every fucking time. At this point I am not sure who 'owns' who.


A nice asshole.
Daughter found a tiny kitten behind a Wendy’s, eyes were fucked and she was full of just about every worm they can get. the Diarrhea was legendary. Wife got her healthy enough to give to CAP but I decided to keep her. We now have 4 cats.
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Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
Catnip banana? Our kids love those.

Dogs strangely enough like them as well.

I get one every time I get Zel's carprofen refilled from Chewy because if I just get the carprofen, I gotta pay $13 in shipping. But if I buy this $5 banana, I get free shipping, and they ship it in 2 boxes from 2 different warehouses.

I guess I just don't understand how business works.
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Marine Biologist
<Bronze Donator>
Had the best dog since a pup - little border collie mix mutt - 15 years old. Zero "dog" issues, literally the perfect dog. Type you could take camping, or to gatherings, and she just chills near everyone and has a great time while making everyone happy saying hi and being cheerful. Could chase down cattle, wrastle with the bigger dogs, swim in the pond or sleep all day in the grass. Had to put her down today cause a tooth infection fucked her and she was too old to have it fixed. Brush your dog's teeth folks.

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Golden Baronet of the Realm
My Norweigan Forrest Cat. Hard to get decent photos as he is always squinting when you point the camera at him.

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<Bronze Donator>
Seriously blessed with Pumpkin. The three biggest risk factors for death in older female cats are 1. Obesity, 2. Dementia, and 3. Loneliness.

She is a responsible eater. She has a sensitive stomach that was an issue when she was younger, but she's figured out how to manage it herself. Not that I make a habit of it (just if I have to be gone for more than a day), but I can leave out large amounts of food and she won't overeat. Great at controlling her own portions.

She's a very bright cat. Stupid when it comes to physical/object based intelligence, but very smart when it comes to other things. To the point that she's still acquiring new language. She even understands concepts like apologies, if you offend her (tripping over her or whatnot) and say "I'm sorry" to her, she legitimately understands. Sounds nuts but I've had other people spend time with her and realize that she genuinely does, and have proven that she isn't responding to tone of voice, but to the actual vocabulary.

And she's lucky in that I got sick when I did, and have been able to spend so much time at home with her. Prior to my cancer she was actually a pretty solitary cat, and her health was slipping -- she weighed less and her fur was thinning out. But having me around all day every day through that got her and I very attached. Only downside is that we are so attached that her health even suffers when we are apart. Having to have someone else watch her for even a few days causes her to become mopey to the point that she barely eats, and starts to be careless with her litter habits.

But if things keep going as they are, she's got many, many years in front of her despite being 16 years old. I always tell her she's going to be the oldest cat in the world someday. 💙
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Avatar of Nyx

Molten Core Raider
This fella belongs to the girl Ive been seeing, he's an F4 Savannah cat named Simba. Ive been around cats pretty much all my life, even owned one for nearly 17 years with no issues. It's been a few years now since my cat passed so I dont know if something in my physiology has changed, or if it's specific to him being a Savannah cat or what, but Im crazy allergic to this guy.

He is super affectionate, loves to sit in your lap for naps or being petted endlessly and enjoys the headbumps like all cats do, but Ive learned through uncomfortable trial and error that anywhere his nose touches on my skin, I break out into hives. Something about his constantly wet nose and cat snot/saliva causes hives and rashes that do eventually go away but I feel terrible having to always move away from his head when he's trying to nuzzle. My first visit to her place ended with me having to flee because my eyes got huge, red, inflamed and looking like Id been thrown out onto Mars in Total Recall.

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