Vanessa went from a respected poster to Tanoomba level retard overnight.
The truth is the power and its balance in the situation is perfectly relevant and should always be on the table. Women should absolutely never be beaten in the same way a man would in that situation. Women should face the same consequences as say, a child. They are smaller, clearly less emotionally intelligent, and prone to say stupid shit based on emotional overreacting. But in the same way, women should be protected from violent over reach. We should take pains to also extract them from other hard situations, like politics, the workplace, and family finances. Let's help fight the epidemic of anxiety and depression that is over taking our valuable women, let's take the lead as men.I assure you, if this is what it takes to get you fickle fucks to suddenly "lose respect for me" I could give 2 shits. You will never, and I mean never get me to admit that it's okay to hit a woman with full force in the jaw in retaliation for her open hand slapping you. The fact you cool-guy-alpha-rebels -still- have failed to answer simple yes or no questions is laughable to the hilt. But you, Dom, Zyyz, Lanx, ALL of you keep piling on. I'm actually enjoying watching this, and calling me a retard is... well... amusing.
I actually don't think you understand the MMA of no trans argument, and why this is dumb to include this in this argument, just b/c it's more tranny talk, cuz you are a tranny.
are you getting a hissy fit over this from that particular cop video i posted?
jeez, i tried to make an informative game informer type guide to relate to the gamers hereI assure you, if this is what it takes to get you fickle fucks to suddenly "lose respect for me" I could give 2 shits. You will never, and I mean never get me to admit that it's okay to hit a woman with full force in the jaw in retaliation for her open hand slapping you. The fact you cool-guy-alpha-rebels -still- have failed to answer simple yes or no questions is laughable to the hilt. But you, Dom, Zyyz, Lanx, ALL of you keep piling on. I'm actually enjoying watching this, and calling me a retard is... well... amusing.
The Saga of the WhiteKnighting failure of the IncelorionTZ1998 , to his ultimate demise at getting
Fedor 'd
look at the timestamps
In strolls the white knighting
He continues to "fight for his woman"
wait, what
Tries to make a "joke"??? to skip away and never seen from this thread again
ppl were asking where waskhalid all this time?
he only exists as an associated meme
You thinking my coup d' etat was used because I'm a tranny is wrong. Sorry, nothing to do with my tranny status. Has everything to do with you hypocrites can't have it both ways.
"Hurr durr, that's so retarded!!!! It's a sport!"
OH SHIT... you're right I'm sorry. I guess they're not really FIGHTING in a MMA bout. Just sparring, right boys?
Female trannies have an unfair advantage over women. This is a fact. That's why people bitched and moaned when that one fighter was whooping ass left and right. They bitched and moaned because it was UNFAIR. In a FIGHT.
Yet, in the real world, when a woman hits a man and the man retaliates, what is that... a love-dance? No, it's a fucking FIGHT you disingenuous jackasses. Yet you're saying that in the real world that it's NOT UNFAIR.
You can't have it both ways, and denying this and saying that my point is NOT applicable is disingenuous as shit. You people aren't stupid (cept Wizardhawk). You KNOW I'm being logical here and yet all you can do in return is make jokes about my TRANNINESS? How low can you shitheads get?
You stupid motherfuckers know goddamn well I don't identify as a xher or whatever dishonest conflation you want to make about me. Fucking unreal what you guys are doing and you know it.
I'm getting more upset at how asinine the lot of you are treating me over this. It's ridiculous... utterly ridiculous.
I assure you, if this is what it takes to get you fickle fucks to suddenly "lose respect for me" I could give 2 shits. You will never, and I mean never get me to admit that it's okay to hit a woman with full force in the jaw in retaliation for her open hand slapping you. The fact you cool-guy-alpha-rebels -still- have failed to answer simple yes or no questions is laughable to the hilt. But you, Dom, Zyyz, Lanx, ALL of you keep piling on. I'm actually enjoying watching this, and calling me a retard is... well... amusing.
Oh this is totally easy, no it's not fair. But this gets the same explaination I give my kids. The world isn't fair. Women should stop being irrational cunts and starting fights with men. Men are better and stronger and about half the time definitely smarter than you, shut your cock holster and be a good second tier partner.You thinking my coup d' etat was used because I'm a tranny is wrong. Sorry, nothing to do with my tranny status. Has everything to do with you hypocrites can't have it both ways.
"Hurr durr, that's so retarded!!!! It's a sport!"
OH SHIT... you're right I'm sorry. I guess they're not really FIGHTING in a MMA bout. Just sparring, right boys?
Female trannies have an unfair advantage over women. This is a fact. That's why people bitched and moaned when that one fighter was whooping ass left and right. They bitched and moaned because it was UNFAIR. In a FIGHT.
Yet, in the real world, when a woman hits a man and the man retaliates, what is that... a love-dance? No, it's a fucking FIGHT you disingenuous jackasses. Yet you're saying that in the real world that it's NOT UNFAIR.
You can't have it both ways, and denying this and saying that my point is NOT applicable is disingenuous as shit. You people aren't stupid (cept Wizardhawk). You KNOW I'm being logical here and yet all you can do in return is make jokes about my TRANNINESS? How low can you shitheads get?
You stupid motherfuckers know goddamn well I don't identify as a xher or whatever dishonest conflation you want to make about me. Fucking unreal what you guys are doing and you know it.
I'm getting more upset at how asinine the lot of you are treating me over this. It's ridiculous... utterly ridiculous.
I don't really give a damn what you're looking for. I gave up caring about what you wanted to argue about when you changed the entire scope of the argument because you knew full damn well that you weren't getting the replies that you were hoping for. Turning an argument about how much force someone should be able to use in response to someone attacking them into "is it ok for a man to hit a woman" is utter horseshit along with the lame attempts at making this about a physical strength issue, or your bizarre children analogies, and you know it.
This thread is the equivalent of taking a debate on the merits of defensive warfare and turning it into a "Is genocide wrong, y/n?" one.
Maybe you got caught up in several arguments and lost the plot of some of them which resulted in this clusterfuck. I don't know, but I just don't give enough of a shit to rehash my same argument that hasn't changed for someone that is constantly moving the narrative of the debate.
Is it OK to hit full force somewhere other than the jaw? If so where? Now is it just a question of punching accuracy?I assure you, if this is what it takes to get you fickle fucks to suddenly "lose respect for me" I could give 2 shits. You will never, and I mean never get me to admit that it's okay to hit a woman with full force in the jaw in retaliation for her open hand slapping you. The fact you cool-guy-alpha-rebels -still- have failed to answer simple yes or no questions is laughable to the hilt. But you, Dom, Zyyz, Lanx, ALL of you keep piling on. I'm actually enjoying watching this, and calling me a retard is... well... amusing.
Is it OK to hit full force somewhere other than the jaw? If so where? Now is it just a question of punching accuracy? Is it OK for anyone to hit anyone back? If so when? I fully admit that the scene that I see in that video clip is very different than the one you describe. I really can't see what you are talking about here.
ELI5 what goal posts I have shifted? I shit you not I have no clue what I've done that you guys think I'm changing here. Explain this to me and I'll fully admit if what you're accusing me of I have done. You of all people Phaz know I'm extremely rational and take self-responsibility seriously. So ELI5 this "goal-post shift" and I'll reply in kind.The Tanoomba goal post thing is exactly what you are getting bent over on. Take the gender out of the fucking equation and does anything change? If not why is that and why inject it into your little scenario? Drama and appeals to feels is why.
Congratulations, you are acting like a real woman. Or a real fake one, at any rate. Net result is the same and the forum already has Xeq playing goal post shifting concern troll for women.
Everyone knows how to Shoryuken