PoundMeToo: Self Defense VS Xhes, Xhers, and Attack Helicopters

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Oh, just in case anyone thought my position was somehow due to the estrogen in my brain and it somehow making me soft on this.

Is this what you think in response to what I said? That's some pretty heavy projecting of insecurities there. I said what I said because you were contributing aspects to people based solely on nothing but their gender, which you should know all too fucking well isn't universal.

YOU chose to wear your identity crisis as a cloak, of fucking course it's going to keep coming up in conversation with you.


Not Great, Not Terrible
<Bronze Donator>
I'm pretty much at the place where I don't feel the need to hit anyone. Ever. I'm not quite a total pacifist, and I can likely be called out to do some damage, but I have to tell you, before I actually close my fist and hit a person, something epic has to have happened. You can push me, hit me, insult me, spit on me, whatever. Me hitting you doesn't mean I'm tougher. It doesn't make me stronger. It means I'm reacting to the bullshit you're shoving my way. It's extremely satisfying to watch people get apoplectic because I won't engage them.

Oh, you just shoved me? Wouldn't it be great for you if I cared. Probably would make you feel great. Oh, then you hit me? You know what's hilarious? How mad you get when I walk away from that.

Now, that said, if someone up and smacked my wife or one of my kids, my restraint is substantially weakened. However, in that situation, my first act is to get my family away from whatever shitty situation that is. But my second inclination is to go back and fuck up whomever touched my family. But we all hold pretty much the same view (has been discussed in this family), so if someone gets in a situation, we're most likely to just all walk away.

Sorry to those who want a different argument. I just don't want to hit people. Men or women.

I'm fine with your stance on violence, but don't you think walking away while someone punches you is just rewarding their neanderthal behavior rather than making them mad? I picture someone punching you and you walk away thinking 'haha i made them mad' while they are thinking 'I just made that dude my bitch, look at him wander off scared.'

Again, I'm not saying you are making the wrong choice by walking away but I don't think it would have the effect you are thinking it would have.


Not Great, Not Terrible
<Bronze Donator>
Is she a hot tranny at least? Do we have pics?

That thread is littered with them.

You reminded me of a story. I met a guy who drag raced as a serious hobby. A couple days after I met him he's telling me how into it him and his brother are, they have minor sponsors, etc. I say very seriously "Really? I have a friend with a transmission shop who's thinking about sponsoring people, you want his info?" He gets excited and says yes, so i write down my friends website for him. www.trannysurprise.com . The next day first thing 'You mother fucker." Got him and his brother both $

Edit: I have no idea if that link still works or not, click at your own risk.
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let's be real... there are probably 199 men for every 1 female here for starters.


I hope you realized in that thread that for every 1 post I made I received on average like 3 replies back on me. If I

This isn't a 1on1 sparring match...



<Prior Amod>
Guy gets "walk away" suck punch from short hair, he responds w/ a followup slap

new girl sucker punches him from behind, he punches back

what that bitch jumping in for?
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Uncle Tanya
You say arguing her case, I say spouting the same "because it's wrong!" baseless shit with little to no regard for context that comprises much of the stuff we discuss in this thread. It's devoid of any sort of logic, and is based solely on "it's wrong!". For it to be an argument, she would have to actually qualify why it's wrong, but she doesn't even bother with that because the "men don't hurt women" programming is so damn strong that the idea of it is reprehensible to her, and many others to the point that there's more concern about the reprisal for the action than the action itself. And not once is the actual danger of someone choosing to harm another person being addressed.
Based solely on "it's wrong!" Dom? Okay, let's see:

Here's my final stance to get my point across and my checkmate argument. There comes a point where the physical prowess of a boy to a man becomes equal on another man. It's hard to pinpoint, I'll concede that, but it's there. Hypothetical, we have a boy at 5 years old (not related, complete strangers) coming in to attack a man of 30 years old who doesn't age (again, hypothetical here to prove my point).

A 5 year old going full force to inflict harm on a 30 year old man is a punchline. The 5 year old cannot do anything, and a 5 year old punching a man as hard as they could would be a mild annoyance to the man. Would the man be justified to punch the 5 year old as hard as he could to stave off further attacks, or would the man simply grab the boy to de-escalate / control further blows or what have you? Of course the latter.

Let the boy age a couple years to 7. Same scenario. 7 year old comes in full force. More potential to harm, man still won't wail on a 7 year old.

Age him to 12. Maybe now the man may need to throw a solid slap on the kids head to defend. Maybe a kick.

Age to 15. It's getting more dangerous, but the man still has dominance physically over a 15 year old I believe.

There comes a point, however, where that boy becomes a, say, 21 year old and an imminent threat toward the man is becoming clear, where shit is getting on a level where their physical prowess is either even or close enough for the man to then retaliate out of necessity with full force... full punches toward the young man in order to properly defend himself.

What changed? Same boy, same man. What changed (besides age, but don't be silly that I'm now arguing age is the "point of this") is the kid became a man and equaled the man's physical strength and prowess.

Under normal circumstances (to include most circumstances), a woman will never be on the same level as a man. We all know 97% of men can overpower 97% of women. A woman coming in to attack a man is the equivalent of a boy probably roughly 14 or so... again, hard to pinpoint, but you understand exactly what I'm talking about. It's not about gender. It's about different gaps in strength.

....but my argument on this topic is based solely on "it's wrong!" ...but I'm the disingenuous one here. I said I'm done trying to argue my point and I basically have (basically LoL). I never said I was done -replying- and making you all look like the moral hunchbacks that you all are. You having the audacity to say that my argument is nothing more than me just saying "it's wrong!" is pitiful. See my quote above? Disprove it. Go nuts. Knock yourself out!

"And not once is the actual danger of someone choosing to harm another person being addressed"

Neither sex should resort to violence. Ever. Violence is a barbaric, uncivil thing.

You're right Dom. This wasn't in my... you know... first fucking post on the topic or anything.............


Uncle Tanya
I think you have no clue how "the majority of the world" actually works, but thanks for proving one more time that you're retarded!
Ad Hominems are the weakest weapons in a debate. I could match you tit for tat here but I'm choosing not to as it'd be ugly. If you want to keep bucking me though, we can certainly dance. Your choice.


AssHat Taint
<Medals Crew>
I'm fine with your stance on violence, but don't you think walking away while someone punches you is just rewarding their neanderthal behavior rather than making them mad? I picture someone punching you and you walk away thinking 'haha i made them mad' while they are thinking 'I just made that dude my bitch, look at him wander off scared.'

Again, I'm not saying you are making the wrong choice by walking away but I don't think it would have the effect you are thinking it would have.

You definitely make a fine point, and I agree with much of what you say. There are ways of walking away from things that makes you look like a bitch, and there are ways of walking away from things that make you look like you're just making a decision not to engage. If I walk away from something like someone hitting me, it isn't with my tail between my legs, or just ducking and covering.

Your point is a good one, though. If someone is punching me, they're likely not rational. I suppose they'll think whatever they want. That won't cause me any concern, however. If they think "I made him my bitch" he's not likely to follow. Okay, you feel great about being a douche. I'm still fine just getting out of the situation, because I don't want to get aids from breaking his face open, I don't want to get arrested, and my masculinity is not threatened by a dumbass getting up in my face.


Ssraeszha Raider
So the resident use of force experts here are the tranny and a british guy.
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Uncle Tanya
...but why? Were you here for Tanoomba, because you are rapidly turning into Tanoomba. That's sad after your rational stance on trans drama.

I don't know about everyone else but I read this thread for entertainment and going on and on about something isn't entertaining, it just pisses me off and given how Tanoomba was treated I think it pisses others off too. I think you'll have more success with a seperate thread now.

We have a winner!

I wasn't browsing FoH heavily during Tanoomba's thing so I missed his schtick. We brushed elbows very very briefly and he just asked me a few tranny questions which I answered. I get that he was extremely disliked and argued with the majority of the forum. So my knowledge of him is quite limited. If I am rapidly turning into Tanoomba, that's unfortunate you feel that way! Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong but I honestly assumed / thought of him as just a contrarian that enjoyed to argue with people. Is that the general gist of him? That's not me. I just think y'alls stance on punching a woman as hard as a man was... well... echo-chamber-y, shitty, and pretty fucked up. Like I said above, I don't hate any of you guys but I've lost some respect for some of you and I'm sure that feeling is mutual. You guys going on and on and on shitting on me for simply fucking stating that "A man should never hit a woman with the full force he would hit another man" was, honestly, sounding like some inbred hick bullshit to me.

The fact of the matter is that me and my GG/SJW forum-bros have agreed on many issues and topics. Whilst I never considered you guys "friends" I definitely like and respect many of you. We found one topic where we are butting heads and that's fine. I mean, shit, I'm sure we can butt heads on racism too (another topic obv). We just haven't yet.

I made a point. You guys piled on big time. I was quite outnumbered. I've defended my stance vehemently. As did you guys. That's all that's going on here.


Low and to the left
<Silver Donator>
You definitely make a fine point, and I agree with much of what you say. There are ways of walking away from things that makes you look like a bitch, and there are ways of walking away from things that make you look like you're just making a decision not to engage. If I walk away from something like someone hitting me, it isn't with my tail between my legs, or just ducking and covering.

Your point is a good one, though. If someone is punching me, they're likely not rational. I suppose they'll think whatever they want. That won't cause me any concern, however. If they think "I made him my bitch" he's not likely to follow. Okay, you feel great about being a douche. I'm still fine just getting out of the situation, because I don't want to get aids from breaking his face open, I don't want to get arrested, and my masculinity is not threatened by a dumbass getting up in my face.
You only need to do the following when walking away from a fight and you will not look like a bitch.
Give them the "cockeye" click with your tongue and say that you dont want to go back to prison then walk away but backwards. Problem solved.

On a serious note, i dont like to get involved in a fight and will try to avoid it if at all possible. Not only because i dont like fighting but because of my size i would always look like an aggressor no matter the circumstance.
Hitting womenfolk is the same, if i let loose i could do some serious damage and that is one of the things that terrify me. Seriously hurting somebody even if i was in the right doesnt sit well with me if it could be avoided.

One thing that lowers that inhibition is people attacking my friends or family. Luckily i can count those kinds of situations in my life on one hand with having spare fingers.
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<Prior Amod>
You guys going on and on and on shitting on me for simply fucking stating that "A man should never hit a woman with the full force he would hit another man" was, honestly, sounding like some inbred hick bullshit to me.

maybe you need a different way of understanding, lets use

Let's say while visiting shitfrancisco a skanky whore comes up to me and asks me for a dollar, i say no, and she spits on me

admittedly, maybe an over-reaction, however she's assaulting me w/ her AIDS spit, so fair is fair

we'll say my wife is tripping ballz and goes from tiger mom to stabby stabby mom on our kid

well, i gotta take her out fast

hoodrat cunt threatening my wife w/ a knife?

yea'll we'll just shoryuken her ass real quick

and there you go, an easy to understand guide
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