

Registered Hutt
I thought cable didn't have to censor content?
People saying some silly shit. AMC doesn't have to censor anything vis-a-vis the FCC. They do it to maintain a certain audience and advertisement presence. The FCC only regulates obscenity on broadcast television, which are always included in basic cable packages. AMC isn't broadcast and is left to its own devices, but until they got into this original programming phase they were very morally conservative and that has lingered.

The FCC is getting a lot of pressure from broadcast TV networks to loosen standards as they lose market share to cable channels, so I expect as the standards are lowered for broadcast TV the accepted behavior on cable channels will shift as well. They have to stay edgier to preserve the advantage the broadcast networks are afraid of don't they?

I'm pretty sure the FCC do mandate the inclusion of closed captioning regardless of broadcast or not, but AMC has been censoring its closed captioning so that the text don't match the audio, and this has irked deaf people that want the authentic dialogue. That is the conservatism I was talking about before.

I'm uncertain what influence cable providers have over the channels on their networks. Comcast, for example, might have contractual oversight, but that seems unlikely to me.


The Scientific Shitlord
The entire premise is really wild. I mean...

... they kill god. That is like the big climax, that god is kind of a dick and they kill him, and we go on without god. No way that gets done with justice in any movie/tv incarnation certainly, but putting it on basic cable is just acknowledging that they have no intention of actually following the story.

I'm not really taking this seriously. When it was HBO I could believe it, AMC though? No fucking way. They optioned this shit based on a cool sounding premise or something, once the network brass gets wind of what is involved here it will be out to pasture again.
Kind of?


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
People saying some silly shit. AMC doesn't have to censor anything vis-a-vis the FCC.
Yep, there was the story about Breaking Bad having a quota on how many times they can say "fuck" in a season. They'd have big debates about when to use it for maximum effect.

It was actually used a lot more than I ever noticed. I remember people saying it was 1 per season, which is obviously not true=P Or actually I think it was 1 per season when it aired on AMC, and on DVD/Netflix you see what's in this clip.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I understand what they're getting at but it seems like The Preacher isn't even great source to make a TV show. Things I'll be shocked if they actually do/do right:

* God is a "me first" prick who is also kind of a pussy. Completely gets off on people worshipping him.
* The head kid of the Grail is inbred so many times he's retarded as fuck
* Drug/sex use of the vampire dude (forget his name!)
* Leader of the Grail getting butt fucked by accident
* Didn't they have some pedophile support group meeting at a hotel?

Even though I didn't enjoy the comic as much as Preacher I feel like Y The Last Man would make a better TV source. They could use the overall concept and not exactly stick to the comics. Preacher wasn't so much about the environment/circumstances and more about the characters themselves. Yorick was more of an any-man and could write in any number of females to flesh out the environment.


If we actually get a Preacher series before a Dark Tower series/movies, I am going to rustle my jimmies right the fuck off. DT could be done so much more easier than Preacher, as most have explained why.


NeoGaf Donator
Even though I didn't enjoy the comic as much as Preacher I feel like Y The Last Man would make a better TV source. They could use the overall concept and not exactly stick to the comics. Preacher wasn't so much about the environment/circumstances and more about the characters themselves. Yorick was more of an any-man and could write in any number of females to flesh out the environment.
This. They've been trying to do a movie for a long time but it would be much better adapted into a TV series. There's a lot of character development required for Yorick, Hero and even the fucking monkey.



Mr. Poopybutthole
I could see them focusing on the Farm stuff way more than everything else. Like show him in Texas being a drunk, getting the power, doing some silly shit by accident, and then thinking he's the Man. Then, he gets kidnapped by people he can't use the Word on and spending 1-2 seasons with that stuff happening. All the while using backstory to tell you -why- his Word won't work on the family. Especially using that time he spends in the casket. Ending with him stepping up to the plate and ending the family with "God" on the horizon.

Workable if you don't include all the batshit-insane-yet-awesome stuff that happens because of Cassidy and the Grail stuff. It is doable, especially since if I remember right the billy-badass character (T.C.) always knocked the fuck out of him for swearing. Would allow lots of halfways cut off "Fuck you!"s et al.


Avatar of War Slayer

Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg Officially Adapting Preacher for AMC

AMC announced today that Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg officially will be writing and executive producing Preacher, an adaptation of the celebrated Garth Ennis and Steve Dillon graphic novel series. The deal was rumored last fall, but finally came through today.
AMC developing 'Preacher' series with Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg writing
AMC and Sony Pictures Television have announced they are developing it as a series, with Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg partnering to write and executive produce and "Breaking Bad" writer-producer Sam Catlin on board as showrunner.


Avatar of War Slayer
err double post

anyway, could not find the press release, one site has Catlin in it, the other doesn't


Avatar of War Slayer
Evan Goldberg Talks PREACHER, THE INTERVIEW, and CONSOLE WARS; Explains Why PREACHER Works Better as a TV Series
"We just had a meeting with AMC and Garth Ennis, who's the writer, and we all kind of seemed to agree that we're gonna stay as true to the comic as we can. We need to change some stuff but we're not gonna change much, I hope. We're just gonna do a little more of the preamble instead of doing flashbacks and restructure how we dole out the information a little, butwe're gonna [do the] same characters, same story, same ending.We're gonna try to stick to Preacher as best we can. We're making it with Sam Catlin who did Breaking Bad, and so he might tell me I'm wrong about all of this and that the real way to do it is different because he's much smarter and better at all this than I am. But we're gonna try to stick to what it is as best we can."
"We're beyond excited, we've tried to make it for 10 years. The big difference is everyone else tried to make it a movie and it shouldn't be a movie. It should be an AMC show, that's the proper way for it to get done. It's too big; you can't do that in a movie. It's just too big. You've gotta learn the characters, it's all about a love triangle and you need to grow with them and see the woman swayed one way or the other, and in a movie you just can't accomplish all that."


JunkiesNetwork Donor
Seth and Jonah aren't exactly a couple guys who would let themselves be censored or held back to take one for the team. If anyone could push the boundaries of television outside of HBO/Showtime it would be those two.


Buzzfeed Editor
When I see it on the tv I will believe it. Maybe I am just not looking at it right but I don't really think of AMC as a network that pushes the envelope as far as content goes. So when I hear "we want to keep the same story, same ending" I just really have a hard time believing that. I would be surprised to see this story faithfully recreated on HBO, such less AMC. I always figured the only reason it didn't cause a huge uproar at the time was it flew under the radar as a comic, and a indie/imprint comic at that.


JunkiesNetwork Donor
Then why would they bother? It's not like they need the money, fame, recognition, or work. Rogan and Goldberg are about as bankable as it gets in Hollywood if you are making a racy comedy.


Avatar of War Slayer
Exclusive: AMC's Preacher Series Targets African-American Tulip
SuperHeroHype has learned that one of the comic book series' main characters will receive a change to their ethnicity. The plan is for Tulip O'Hare to be played by an African American actress.