Pregnancy Thread


Zero reason to cry about not knowing what labor is but hey that's women.

That being said did the midwife do a full check or take a verbal explanation from you? We were only at 28 weeks with the twins when we rushed into the hospital at 2 AM. The intake nurse just rolled her eyes at us and was trying to discharge us. My wife was in the middle of her bachelors for nursing and asked her to just get someone to check so she did and my wife popped twins out 30 minutes later only 5 minutes apart.

This is your kid and your wife and if you don't convince someone to stick their hand up there and check you won't know and you could be risking a home birth unexpected in the middle of the night.


Trakanon Raider
The midwife did a full check more or less, she read the charts that my wife's OB had sent over earlier and confirmed shes at 4-4.5cm. But then immediately brushed that off since her contractions weren't strong enough. Now did she see that my son(now 2 and a half and healthy as a bear) was labored for 26 hours and had to have an emergency C section cause he weighed 9'8 and my wife is tiny? No...but she could have at least done a little more to console my raging pregnant hormonal wife. Her bedside manor was horrendous and as I write this post my wife is still having steady contractions roughly 5minutes apart. I'm ready just to go back and sit in their fucking triage room for as long as it takes for my daughter is born. This is what we pay $500/month for health insurance for, right?


The midwife did a full check more or less, she read the charts that my wife's OB had sent over earlier and confirmed shes at 4-4.5cm. But then immediately brushed that off since her contractions weren't strong enough. Now did she see that my son(now 2 and a half and healthy as a bear) was labored for 26 hours and had to have an emergency C section cause he weighed 9'8 and my wife is tiny? No...but she could have at least done a little more to console my raging pregnant hormonal wife. Her bedside manor was horrendous and as I write this post my wife is still having steady contractions roughly 5minutes apart. I'm ready just to go back and sit in their fucking triage room for as long as it takes for my daughter is born. This is what we pay $500/month for health insurance for, right?
I would.

Pro-tip though. You want that baby to start coming out right now? This has popped two pregnancies and I have been told that it's scientific and has worked for some of my friends without them fully admitting that it worked for them since they were quite embarassed.

Go fill a bath tub with some nice warm water. Strip your wife naked, lay her in that tub. Fuck her. The equilibrium of the water and the semen hitting the cap and a couple other things will make her labor go into high gear.

Woefully Inept

Ssraeszha Raider
This might be a late reply but what a_skeleton_03 is saying is definitely legit. I am by no means an expert but my wife and I are taking a natural birth class right now with a mid wife/doula and one of the things that is heavily recommended to get labor started or progress is having sex or even just nipple play. Sounds kinky and all sure but they have been proven to help labor kick in. "Semen hitting the cap" refers to how the cervix actually dips down to pick up the semen. That action alone can help get labor going.
Have her hop in the tub for sure either way. Every 30-45 she should be moving around. Do not stay in the same position too long and do not let her just lay on her back. Stand up, walk around, squat down, bend over a counter/bed/yoga ball, kneel down on hands and knees. These are all good positions to try and get the baby moving.
Our "teacher" is going to be so excited I actually paid attention. rofl

And hospitals get impatient. If you're there too long don't be surprised if they start throwing interventions at you. They want you out so they can free up the room. The longer you stay the less money they make. You'd know when shit is serious. This one I am an expert on. I've been given the "we can't do anything for you but make you comfortable" speech. A team of doctors, no nurses, will stroll in and the tone will be VERY different. It will be very apparent that shit has or will soon hit the fan. If it's just a nurse or two telling you shit just tell them to fuck off.


Trakanon Raider
a_skeleton_03 I owe you a beer. Tried your method and wife woke up 4 hours later with true labor pains. By the time we got to the hospital she was 8-9cm. Waiting on the epidural now. Good shit man!

Woefully Inept

Ssraeszha Raider
Well I have permission to post this. My wife put this one together. This was our Facebook announcement for friends (actual friends :p) and family.


The embryo reminds me of...



Tranny Chaser
Did you use donor sperm? I mean, you're one ugly mofo
Congrats on pregnancy, Sir

Woefully Inept

Ssraeszha Raider
You think that's bad? You should have seen me 30 pounds ago. I looked like pizza the hut! I wouldn't have needed the fake baby bump for the pic. Thanks :p

Woefully Inept

Ssraeszha Raider
That is the embryo right after being transferred from a test tube into the Misses. Due to my genetic condition (familial adenomatous polyposis - have fun googling) we chose to go with IVF and PGD (preimplantation genetic diagnosis) to guarantee as much as we could that our child would not have my disease. This was our last shot at IVF/PGD due to insurance. If this didn't work we would have had to switch to a donor. To give you an idea how much this disease sucks we had something like 22 total embryos from 3 cycles and only 6 TOTAL were unaffected by the genetic mutation. This last cycle we only had 1 good embryo to use.

Also we wouldn't find out if we even had any good embryos until the morning of transfer and about 10 minutes before going into the transfer room. To say there was a little stress each transfer day is an understatement.

Woefully Inept

Ssraeszha Raider
Thank you. It's been a long road. Started in Houston 5 years ago with 4 IUI's using donor sperm. Insurance there covers dick all for fertility stuff. We moved back to the Northeast and my wife's insurance covered 2 IVF with PGD 100%. Limited tries but at least we were able to go this route and be successful.


Trakanon Raider
My wife is 9 weeks and she's been having pretty extreme nausea even while taking Zofran. I hope this ends after the first trimester because she definitely isn't very fun to be around when she doesn't feel good.


Life's a Dream
My wife couldn't eat anything for the first 3 months. Throwing up constantly. It does get better. She also didn't take medication, but stick with it. Everything will be alright.
And this is the result of that constant nausia. She just turned 3 back on January 8th.



A Mod Real Quick
Thankfully my wife hasn't gotten any morning sickness. One day she ate tacos and instantly projectile vomitted it all up randomly, that was about the worst.