Problem Focusing


Silver Baronet of the Realm
I've always just did programming for Routers and Switches or if I had to learn a program over a couple days I could get it done but the last couple years I cant stay focused. I've always been bad writing code, Cisco routers and Switches are a lot different. My question revolves around taking something like Adderal to help me stay focused.

I could never sit and stare creating a wall of text all day, but programming switches was pretty cut and dry. But now im having issues dealing with easy stuff and the last thing I want to do is take any pills. This should probably go in another forum but it mainly relates to programming, and yes I've always been diagnosed with ADD/ADHD but I thought it was BS but now I really dont know what to do


I'm With HER ♀
Good luck on the search to find you a doctor that will proscribe you Adderall for work-related issues. It may be the case on in my neck of the woods, but doctors seem utterly allergic to proscribing medication for adult ADD/ADHD around here. I've had several colleagues who went to doctors (as I did myself) with a cut-and-dry explanation of focusing and attention issues, and every single one of them dodged it and ended up proscribing shit for other issues. I went in earnestly around two years ago looking for help and came away with a script for wellbutrin and an anti-seizure medicine that had been tagged six months prior for being sold for off-label, garbage diagnoses.

Don't lay it on too thick and you might have some luck, that's my 2 cents.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Good luck on the search to find you a doctor that will proscribe you Adderall for work-related issues. It may be the case on in my neck of the woods, but doctors seem utterly allergic to proscribing medication for adult ADD/ADHD around here. I've had several colleagues who went to doctors (as I did myself) with a cut-and-dry explanation of focusing and attention issues, and every single one of them dodged it and ended up proscribing shit for other issues. I went in earnestly around two years ago looking for help and came away with a script for wellbutrin and an anti-seizure medicine that had been tagged six months prior for being sold for off-label, garbage diagnoses.

Don't lay it on too thick and you might have some luck, that's my 2 cents.
Ive been prescribed it numerous times but always turned it down, always been against any pills so this is a last resort for me unless I can find an alternative to fiigure my shit out

Aychamo BanBan

Ive been prescribed it numerous times but always turned it down, always been against any pills so this is a last resort for me unless I can find an alternative to fiigure my shit out
Go back to the doctor who suggested it and talk with him. It's perfectly reasonable to give it a try and see if it helps you. It may or may not. It sounds like things are already pretty bad so you may as well.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Regardless I could get it even if its not prescribed I just need to know if it really works. There is a lot of stress thats been affecting me lately but the source of the problem seems to be with me not able to stay focused on work ect. This is literally the last resort for me


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Im really just curious if other people have these issues on here or if its not really common


Silver Baronet of the Realm
I can't say for sure obviously, but a lot of times ADD is diet related. When I switched to a low carb high fat diet, after like two weeks I noticed my focus and attention were much higher, so you might consider trying that.
Thats maybe an option, I used to be on a strict diet and run 15 miles pretty much everyday when I was focused, and releasing hormones I know helped. Im in a position to where I let everything slide and now I cant even focus on my job

Aychamo BanBan

I can't say for sure obviously, but a lot of times ADD is diet related. When I switched to a low carb high fat diet, after like two weeks I noticed my focus and attention were much higher, so you might consider trying that.
Zero evidence to support a low carb high fat diet. Sure, exercising can help you feel better in the daytime. Think about the sequelae of obesity, ie sleep apnea, obesity hypoventilation, and just the general malaise of being a lazy fat shit. Further, one of the worst things for a person with ADD to so is get a bad nights sleep, as it worsens your ADD symptoms the next day.

To the OP, yes, ADD medications work. There may be lifestyle factors you can rectify prior to medication. Your next step depends on how desperate your situation is.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Zero evidence to support a low carb high fat diet. Sure, exercising can help you feel better in the daytime. Think about the sequelae of obesity, ie sleep apnea, obesity hypoventilation, and just the general malaise of being a lazy fat shit. Further, one of the worst things for a person with ADD to so is get a bad nights sleep, as it worsens your ADD symptoms the next day.

To the OP, yes, ADD medications work. There may be lifestyle factors you can rectify prior to medication. Your next step depends on how desperate your situation is.
I know exercise helps but I doubt its the fix, ive always struggled with focusing and was able to manage it but lately with all the shit coming down has amplified everything.