Project 99 - Green Server announcement


Blackwing Lair Raider
I'm not taking a stab, it's the fact a fresh server of quality came out and that brings the numbers
I don’t play on either but isn’t the raid game way way more accessible on PQ?

Unless you’re retired or on disability I’m not sure why you’d prefer p99’s endgame
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Unless you’re retired or on disability I’m not sure why you’d prefer p99’s endgame

Raid mobs and their loot were more of a special thing in their day. I never felt entitled to be able to see every single one, every single week. People that feel that way would be better off on PQ with instanced mobs.

Some of us like that and the scramble and rush to get them when they do spawn.

P99 's problem is guilds have stables of clerics ready to go crushing ones that don't. Or guilds having more people willing/able to play cleric alts. Account sharing was against the original terms of service, and "cleric bots" (or enchanters/shamans for ST) has become the new "nonclassic experience" in a similar vein to boxing. I largely gave up trying to suggest these things as I saw bias and staff membership in guilds (a confirmed current problem, not worth going through pursuing all over again).
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Deader than usual over there, they can't make another server per the deal with Daybreak? Is "" still censored on their message board?

That's funny they'd block this forum from being mentioned because they need to control the narrative so tight.

"People can post what they want over there. That's no good for us".

The paypal must still be ringing off anyway to not even risk a single new server.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Raid mobs and their loot were more of a special thing in their day. I never felt entitled to be able to see every single one, every single week. People that feel that way would be better off on PQ with instanced mobs.

Some of us like that and the scramble and rush to get them when they do spawn.
EQ was a great game but I’m not sure “only super nerd lords who work from home or have no job can enjoy the end game content” was ever really good game design, it was just all we knew in 2000.

It definitely worked back in 1999-2002 when a lot of us were in high school or college but I think the number of people who play EQ *despite* the intense competition for endgame content are much more than the people who play *because of* it.

Not to mention on a server like p99 where this raid content is the endgame indefinitely, does the “unique/special” loot card really play when you have literal years of non-stop farmed raid gear on the server?


Lesser guilds get targets all the time. In fact its often a smart idea in this solved game state to be the top DKP in a secondary guild rather than a middle member of a top guild.