We nerfed the inflated ZEMs that were present in Al'Kabor and the ones that were adjusted Late Velious / Early Luclin are gated to that era.
SolA had the Paludal bonus, as did Crushbone in packet collects - we were able to track those to various expansion changes and dev quotes. They were 1.6 in those packet collects.
When we did math to reverse them, we ended up at 1.0 modifier. There were flat boosts over classic, and then there were percentage adjustments.
Those were listed here:
I don't want to focus ZEMs to each timeline perfectly - sometimes they would fuck something up and overnerf it, like LOIO. Then they'd revert that later. So we're going with the effective average until 2001, when we'll add in the ZEM adjustments for Velious. Then, we'll do the Luclin superbonuses in that era. Paludal was on par with CB at that point.
We do not have the exp bonus that AK had. So that's 20% less.
We don't have the bugged XP bonus that AK had. We are following timeline for classic -> velious - 2% per group member, ending at 10% for 6. That gets boosted in Velious to 20% (4% per player) - there was a post-LOY bonus that Hobart had added, but he screwed up the implementation and TAKP replicated that. Torven helped me unwind.
There's also the reduced xp on pets taking a share if a single pet does more than 50%. So that's also brutal on top of the above 'bonuses' missing.
When I told everyone exp would be brutal and I wanted people to feel like they had to make an investment into their character, I wasn't joking. It's brutal so you consciously make choices about what alts you level, and what characters you invest into.
I'm a huge fan of the D&D style pnp approach EQ had in mind with its vision, so I wanted to replicate the immersive commitment that players made to their character.
I think we succeeded in that. It also means that bans for ShowEQ, MQ , hate speech and such will sting that much more if you've put a fuckton of time into leveling characters. Doubly so with account sharing restrictions.