Just wanted to offer my viewpoint. I've got a couple of characters from 10-14. The problem I and my friends face is motivation. The thought of rotating raids on this server just kills the motivation. The 1 box, leveling up is great. We just keep losing people to, but yeah once we are 50 then what? Join a larger guild and wait to a kill once a week of we are lucky for the next 8 months?
I think a good job has been done with newbie zones being crowded and alleviating the camps at manastone etc. But these two things that have been correct so far is just a precursor to the overall bigger problem at the end game. At least on live server back in the day, you could race and maybe you'll get extra kills for being sweaty. Here i feel like it'll be, well I'll see you guys in 11 days when it's our turn for that kill. Heaven forbid you have an obligation that night, so then you go a month without raiding.
The carrot on the string is there for leveling, but my friends are starting to think, but what do we do after we get manastone, yaks, SMR, golden efreeti boots. Same in kunark, grind to 60, camp some fungi tunics, do some chardok faction and get to raid once a week for 1 mob?
To those that say, it worked fine on p99, sure and we don't play there for that reason. I don't expect a change based on my feedback, only 1 viewpoint that maybe could be grouped with others to see if the data leans towards what we would enjoy. If not we get it and we'll look for a different server down the road.