Well, bastet is not a great farming team in the first place, so you'll want a solid farming team too, because that takes up the vast majority of your time in PAD. Something that can do OoH 5 and KoG will get you hundreds of ranks and numerous +297 monsters, especially with 1.5x xp KoG and 3x +egg OoH these days. Looking at your box, I assume you're relatively new, so you either have to be patient and put in the time, or pull out the wallet. Eventually you'll catch up and have a solid, well-rounded box. Most of us talking about A.Bastets, A.Shivas, etc. etc., have been playing for years. Many people had a +297'd valk, athena, zeus, or something else with a 3x multiplier that they used for quite a bit of content.
If you do have any inclination to be IAP, then the upcoming players choice godfest later this month will be the best time to do so btw. LKali and Kirin will both be in it for sure, and they have relatively easy 5x multipliers to get you started on descends.