Puzzles and Dragons


It's pretty convoluted from what Ive read.Check out this guy's article, it explains it in a pretty straightforward way.

There are some restrictions that that dudes post doesnt cover:
. Player has to be rank 130 or higher
. Secondary monster has to be max level and rarity 5* or higher
. Secondary monster has to come from the REM or a Collab REM, no pal machine stuff
. Secondary monster has to have all awakenings unlocked


Even though I dont really play too much these days, the PCGF is still sorta exciting. I had saved 25 stones from random things I managed to do and burned em all this morning to dismal results. Two silvers from 5 rolls...Only decent things I pulled were an Indra, Ryune, and an Amaterasu. My lack of Luci continues...


<WoW Guild Officer>
Got sucked in, rolled 4 times... Sleeping Beauty... light wizard... Gryphon Rider (the old one, Finn)... FA Luci. Fuck yeah, time to work!

Was tempted to get a Yomi dragon but I held off. Maybe I don't now...


Have been saving stones for a while for this.

On the main:

Leeza, dupe Fuma, DQXQ, silver, Wee Jas, Susano, dupe I&I, dupe hathor, L kali, Arcline, dupe Panda, dupe dragon rider, dupe orochi, dupe luci

On the alt:

Maeda, dupe Hatsume, Susano, Wee jas, Ganesha, dupe I&I, silver, silver, silver, silver, luci, fuma, Facet, Shedar, dupe izanagi, dupe susano, dupe isis, dupe susano, chester, silver, vishnu, skuld, alnair, silver

Nothing big but got a few things I wanted on both, like dqxq, susano, dupe panda and something I can feed my angelits to on my main. Alt got kinda shit on but I didnt have luci on there and Im stoked on skuld, and I need MP so whatev


Got sucked in, rolled 4 times... Sleeping Beauty... light wizard... Gryphon Rider (the old one, Finn)... FA Luci. Fuck yeah, time to work!

Was tempted to get a Yomi dragon but I held off. Maybe I don't now...
Unless you have the very specific subs for xiang mei or yu you or whatever her name is, p sure yomigon is the best bet. especially if you plan on leading with FA luci. I mean you can skill inheritance snow white onto someone but yomigon is a beast and honestly I lead with him more than luci whenever I can


<WoW Guild Officer>
Unless you have the very specific subs for xiang mei or yu you or whatever her name is, p sure yomigon is the best bet. especially if you plan on leading with FA luci. I mean you can skill inheritance snow white onto someone but yomigon is a beast and honestly I lead with him more than luci whenever I can
Is Oki still required? I'm missing him and don't really have shit to replace in that spot. Though skill inheritance means I might be able to start using a Ronia active on there to create some odd board fuckery.


No def not required at all. I have him on my yomi team just because I dont have very many dark gods, but dont use him on my luci team at all. I hardly ever use his active when Im using him on my yomi team either. Id say haku and akechi are REQUIRED for sure, but not okuni

Id say yomigon is more required for Luci than okuni is for yomigon IMO


<WoW Guild Officer>
No def not required at all. I have him on my yomi team just because I dont have very many dark gods, but dont use him on my luci team at all. I hardly ever use his active when Im using him on my yomi team either. Id say haku and akechi are REQUIRED for sure, but not okuni

Id say yomigon is more required for Luci than okuni is for yomigon IMO
Woo! I've got Haku and Akechi (though Akechi isn't skilled or maxed and none of them are awoken yet). Time to look for some other gods to fill in while farming up a shitload of Devilits.


I see Persephone in your monster box, she will fill the spot nicely and is another orb changer. If you can roll more before the end of the PCGF, do it and pray for an Eschamali. She changes the entire dynamic of a Yomi Dragon team, I dont even run Haku or Akechi anymore in my team since I pulled her.

My two cents on Okuni is that while he's not required, I wouldnt so easily dismiss what he brings to the table. A completely finished (skilled, plussed, etc etc) Yomi Dragon team might not have much use for the active outside rare occasions but as you're working on your team that extra turn or damage spike will be a huge help. He's also handy for specialty content such as the Challenge Dungeons, not to mention his TPAs mean he will easily be the highest damaging member of your team. If you dont have one, then there's not much you can do, but if you do get one he definitely should have a seat at the table.


<WoW Guild Officer>
I'll roll for him again tomorrow probably... but TPA on him means I need 9 orbs matching (5 + 4), right?
Also I was hoping for Eschamali just for a Yomi team but said "fuck it" instead.


Correct, a 5 match then a 4 match along with it. If you can match multiple 4's along with your 5 match you will absolutely knock the crap outta stuff (not as hard to do as it sounds). Good luck on the pulls tomorrow, maybe you will snag an Okuni and Eschamali and you will be all set (if you do, drop Haku for Escha)

edit - Not sure what kinda MP totals youre sitting on but if you think you may run a Yomi Dragon led team primarily and have the points to burn, a second Yomi Dragon might not be a bad idea either. Yomi D is an amazing sub for itself.


Vyemm Raider
With me being an absolute lazy shit and not doing any web searches, what is considered the 'best' Yomi dragon team? Also what latents would I need for Arena 1/2?


<WoW Guild Officer>
With me being an absolute lazy shit and not doing any web searches, what is considered the 'best' Yomi dragon team? Also what latents would I need for Arena 1/2?
You're awesome for saving me from posting this


I think the "best" is pretty subjective. I know that for a good while the most common setup for clearing regular content was Yomi Dragon, Awoken Haku, Akechi, Okuni and whatever else you had that filled a dark God role. A second Yomi Dragon is a popular choice (Pandora, Persephone and even Dark Valk work as well). Once Eschamali rolled through it changed things a little bit. The "standard" team is still powerful but relies on the active abilities from the team and lucky skyfalls to get the dark orbs necessary to blow shit up. Eschamali makes things work more smoothly by providing a steady stream of dark orbs and lets you save actives for 'oh shit' moments.

When I started playing Yomi Dragon a guy on the PAD forums told me that building a Yomi Dragon team relied mainly on having an orb changer, heart maker, and a board changer so stuff like Beelzebub or blockers cant fuck you over. Pretty much any that sub that can do those things will work. I like to think that my Yomi Dragon team is one of the more powerful setups but unfortunately not one that is easy to replicate (unless you whale out or hit the PAD lottery). I run Yomi Dragon x2, Eschamali x2, and Okuni. The team works like a machine churning through the content. Ive cleared pretty much everything (except Arena 2.0) with it and it's honestly what made the game boring for me...

When it comes to the Arena you have to change things up a bit. You will need roughly 26-29 dark latent resists to keep DQ Hera from pushing your shit in. How many exactly depends on your team make up. For Arena 1.0, a Zeus Stratios is a must have as well for reliable clears (he will take Okuni's spot). Without Zeus you have to have Okuni and will find yourself playing Kali Russian Roulette on floor 20. If you get Light Kali you have a chance if you have enough actives up, if you get Dark Kali, you're dead and just wasted your time.

Arena 2.0 is unknown territory for me. Yomi Dragon teams have to have FA Luci or it simply doesnt work. I dont have FA Luci so i havent put a lot of effort into researching it.


Dunno much about FA Luci Im afraid. I went and did some reading on the PAD Forums today for the first time in weeks and before any of you invest heavily into a Yomi Dragon you guys should read what those folks are talking about recently. It looks as if a new set of MP monsters are being added (first one is in as of today, the red one) which brings bigger damage to the table. The consensus on the forums there is while Yomi Dragon is still strong, the meta has shifted away from him. Before you sink all your MP and time into it, make sure you wouldnt be better off with some of the new stuff that's incoming.


Got a Yomi, Raphael (? Light AA), some trash with 50atk i fed to Vishnu and an Ars Nova I'm probably feeding for the eggs too. But I did get my first Kali from that special egg roll from the event a couple weeks ago.