I honestly have no idea what I want for health care in the US. There is zero chance of single payer or socialized health care because as Kreugen mentioned, it destroys the health insurance industry and whether or not that is a good thing, the health insurance industry has way too much juice in Washington for that to ever happen, even if the congress was 100% Democrat.
Obamacare basically gets insurance for some people on the fringe of medicaid and forces insurance companies to take people with pre-existing conditions. The rest of us get to pay for that in higher premiums and possibly it would be offset somewhat by forcing young, healthy people to buy insurance who can afford it but probably would prefer to take their chances. It's a giveaway to the insurance companies, but on the other hand they should at least have disaster coverage rather than just sticking it to the hospitals (who in turn pass it on to the insurance companies and ultimately the rest of us. I had a neighbor a few years back that got some kind of super bug infection and had to be helicoptered 200 miles to a hospital and ran up $100,000 worth of bills which the hospital just wrote off because he didn't have insurance. He wasn't a rich dude, but I bet he could have afforded some kind of $10k deductible insurance that would have kept the rest of us from having to eat that bill.
What Obamacare doesn't do anything about is the outrageous price of everything related to health care here. I tend to be a free market kind of guy, but when it comes to health care there isn't a market in a lot of cases and the patients don't really have the option to shop around so there is no supply and demand/competition pressure to keep prices under control.
If you make believe that congress might actually pass a single payer or socialized medicine bill and take the insurance companies out of the picture, it seems like it would make the system more efficient, but I don't buy it because it's the government and they are fucking horrible at everything they do. Hearing about the troubles that vets I know have with the VA doesn't make me dream of being a part of that system at all and I think it's pretty well known that Medicare is full of waste, fraud, and abuse that no one really gives a damn about because it's the government.
When it comes down to it, it's a super complicated problem and I just don't know what the right answer is.