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yeah, I've talked about it, and linked videos. but like many gamers were more console gamers so didn't see it, or just in general you might not have really noticed it till you put them side by side. And see Dragonquests combat menus, right next to Wizardrys, and its just. holy shit. Dq's towns, and overworld design are right out of Ultima as well. Final fantasy's character classes and upgrades of course as well.The JRPG section was interesting. I've tried to get into them over the years and found them quite unplayable. It makes sense now that their main influences are previous games where western games are mostly influenced by D&D. Its kind of like AI's training off AI generated junk so eventually you end up with garbage.
I think I missed everything after Skyrim in that video except BG3.
That video I think overlooks the ultima/might and magic/wizardry modern/sci fi elements. he keeps suggesting western rpgs are very dnd focused. but, ffs Ultima 2 has the space shuttle, and shit. every might and magic involves laser pistols. starwars was a huge influence on them. theres fucking ewoks and wookies in both. same with wizardry. its expressly sci-fi.
magi-tech is in all 3.
the about narrative. which again, ultima has you playing the avatar. there's tons of western rpgs that are more narrative driven. from kings quest, etc on.
this isn't to say jrpgs didn't have a style or format similarity. its more, I think western rpgs branched out more and more and followed LESS of a format. Western rpgs were more experimental.
diablo, dune/command and conquer, roguelikes, kings quest, bards tale, quest for glory, point and click adventures, baldur's gate, tomb raider, Heroes of might and magic, majesty, ultima online, ultima underworld, heretic, hexen, on, and on. just massively more variation in game design.
It interesting when he gets to the diablo, he does bring up Divine Divinity, from larian. but just calls its a diablo clone, and doesn't mention it was actually intended to be an Ultima clone, but publishers wanted it changed due to diablo's success.
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