Aychamo BanBan
- 6,338
- 7,144
I already wanted to see this movie, and I want to see if 100 times more since it upsets these pussy ass beta pieces of liberal shit!!!
- 5
- 1
Or maybe you find your fucking nuts and see this while your wife watches Downtown?Wife is wanting to see downton... maybe I buy tickets for this and go to downton - so wife is happy, and I support show numbers to rambo![]()
Does the movie actually have anything to do with politics or is it the usual suspects yelling at each other over an imaginary line while the son of an italian immigrant fucks up some criminals.
Or maybe you find your fucking nuts and see this while your wife watches Downtown?
So how exactly was the girl his niece? Did I miss that? Also, killing the girl was pretty fucking dark.
If you liked the last one, you'll like this one. The critics are all faggots.
same here, i clicked it too, but its a stallone flick. the only spoiler that matters is Stallone killing lots of cartelicansFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFuuuu..... I clicked
do not click this one if you are going to see it >_<
I thought it would be general spioilers about maga lulz
The racism criticism is so dumb. It's not like regular civilian Mexicans are shown as degenerates. It's, you know, the Mexican cartels. People that do worse shit to people than isis (flaying people alive, burning them, having a dog eat their genitals to death and so much other awful shit).
holy shit, you cant buy this level of promotion. i may have to buy a few extra tickets just to make sure this does well.
holy shit, you cant buy this level of promotion. i may have to buy a few extra tickets just to make sure this does well.
holy shit, you cant buy this level of promotion. i may have to buy a few extra tickets just to make sure this does well.
Offer to take a group out to see it and pay