I took it more as him unknowingly made a deal . Like he prayed and said he would do anything and the Devil took him up on it. One of those he suspected but didn't really know things.Those were all over like a month and a half. Dick.
Latest movie: Late Night With The Devil. Interesting movie and legitimately unsettling. I thought it was leading to the late night host having done something to the girl in the Bohemian Grove (which would have been when she was about 4 or 5 if my math was right) in order to get into the cabal that gave him his success. However they tiptoed around that and made it more about him meeting the devil in the Grove before his career got going, instead. The host's seeming confusion at all of this was weird. Wouldn't he be well aware of the agreements he'd made? There was some other weird stuff, like how his co-host was treated as some sort of enemy/threat for the whole movie, despite just being this unassuming little bald guy who didn't really have much power. The girl staring at the cameras was probably the most unsettling part of the movie. I guess the host sacrificed his wife? But he still never beat Carson. Except maybe for that one last episode, before presumably getting hauled off to jail immediately afterwards in a bit of Monkey Paw ism. 9 out of 10 for this one and it should probably be in the best picture conversation.