Bought the 4K, enjoyed the first half, started doing laundry, and got bored. Kinna funny how this much flare, flash, nostalgia, isn't enough to keep my attention. Can't imagine it being any better for its target audience, which in and of itself is hypocritical. My demographic? Kids? I don't know. Also, the ham fisted white trash, stacked trailers you'd see in some third world countries with wired bandwidth to support this kind of virtual infrastructure with no latency? Lol. K. But still, good visuals, good sound, I'm sure I'll re-watch it through to the end next time, likely more than once, but like several other movies I own, not because it's at all any good. I'd say it's about 0.2 points below Tron Legacy. Gave it 2/5, on visual quality, and sound alone. It's a good tool for checking the quality of your home setup. If I had had expectations, I'd give it 1/5. So there's that. I could see the potential, but it was too try hard, derivative (albeit inherently so), but suffers the typical half assed book to movie translation, lazy compression of storytelling that is really dry and basic. I feel bad for the animators who could have spent their efforts elsewhere, because honestly it is an amazingly beautiful movie. Similarly, the sound mixing is top notch. Warner Bros should borrow their studio for a DC film or two.