Realm Royale


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Xevy Xevy I sent you a Steam friend invite, hope you don't mind. I have no other friends who play this at the moment.


Log Wizard
Xevy Xevy I sent you a Steam friend invite, hope you don't mind. I have no other friends who play this at the moment.

No offense, but I probably won't play with you. Sorry it feels really dickish, but I've got like 9 people who want to play so I always have a full squad and a list of 1 or 2 usually. Just old MMO friendz. Also I didn't get the steam invite, I'm the Xevron with a Panda.

If you're looking for people to play with I'd start trying to entice any friends you have that played Overwatch or loved WoW Battlegrounds. That's what this feels like.

Stuck in Diamond 2 since yesterday. Only like 3 wins today, but probably 5-10 top 5's.


Buzzfeed Editor
Kinda getting bored already, getting top 3s and top 5s, but winner via spectating seems to come down to csgo twitch kiddies that can sniper/bow headshot fast moving targets at longish ranges non stop while bounding themselves.

Still a nice refresh after pubg going downhill, I couldnt stand fortnites sperg builders being the most important skill.


Log Wizard
First patch notes looks really good:

Realm Royale :: Realm Royale Early Access 2 TEST SERVER Patch Notes

We have started up the Test Server to test the Early Access 2 Patch (we've also adopted a new naming convention for patches)! If you are interested in trying the new Patch before it goes live, head to the Realm Royale Store Page and download the Test Server underneath the Early Access Game description. Please leave any and all feedback on the Patch within the appropriate Early Access 2 Patch Feedback Steam Discussions Post. Thanks for testing the new Patch with us!

  • Weapons
    • Hitboxes for certain weapons were too large and were reduced. All weapons use the same hitbox now. These include:
      • Longbow, Heirloom Rifle, Plasma Launcher, Poison Pistol, Revolver, Stone Spear, Throwing Axe.
    • Crossbow:
      • Damage increased from 300/375/450/525 to 350/440/530/610.
    • Longbow:
      • Damage reduced from 1000 to 900.
    • Heirloom Rifle:
      • Damage reduced from 400/500/600/700 to 350/440/530/610.
      • Clip size reduced from 8 to 6.
      • Refire time increased from 0.8 to 0.9.
      • Decreased the audio volume of firing at long distances.
    • Poison Pistol
      • Increase projectile Speed increased from 500 to 600.
      • Total damage per burst increased from 336/408/504/600 to 360/480/600/720.
    • Rifle
      • Renamed to Slug Rifle.
    • Shotgun
      • Damage increased from 500/600/700/800 to 600/750/900/1050.
      • Clip size increased from 4 to 5.
    • Sniper Rifle
      • Damage reduced from 1200 to 1100.
      • Audio improvements to the projectile and bullet impact.
    • Stone Spear
      • Damage per shot increased from 275 to 300.
      • Projectile Speed increased from 450 to 600.
    • Sword
      • Damage reduced from 550/700/850/1000 to 500/630/750/880.
  • Abilities
    • Healing Totem
      • Persist time changed from 4/6/8/10s to 6s at all ranks.
      • Healing changed from 20 health per tick at all ranks to 10/20/30/40.
      • Tick rate remains unchanged at 4 ticks per second.
    • Shielding Potion
      • Cooldown changed from 18/16/14/12s to 19/16/13/10s.
      • Shield health changed from 500 health at all ranks to 350/400/450/500.
    • Flask of Healing
      • Cooldown changed from 12s at all ranks to 16/14/12/10s.
    • Net Shot
      • Slow changed from 60% at all ranks to 20/40/60/80%.
    • Fireball
      • Cooldown changed from 6s at all ranks to 10/8/6/4s.
    • Soar
      • Players can now soar through windows.
    • Thrust
      • Now grants 150% increased air control for 3s after activating Thrust.
    • Dodge Roll
      • Decreased the audio volume levels.
  • Armor
    • Armor gain for all items has been changed from 50/100/200/300 to 100/160/220/300.
  • General
    • When starting a new match, players will spawn as their last used class from a previous match.
    • Made improvements for picking up items in the world.
    • Players can now heal in fog.
    • Eliminated chickens now drop a Chicken Trophy, which can be collected to forge legendary weapons. Chicken Trophies replace the nugget/chicken leg mechanic that was previously awarded automatically to the killer.
    • Health and armor potions will now automatically get picked up by players who run near them, unless the potions have been deliberately dropped by a player.
    • Base fog damage increased from 1% max health to 1.5% max health per tick.
    • Players can now apply some mid-air braking while skydiving.
    • Added the following keybindings in the settings:
      • Inventory screen
      • Free cam
      • Swap weapons
    • Reworked landing animations to be smoother.
    • Chicken skins will now only apply to the owner of the skin rather to the owner and victims of the owner.
    • When legendary armor is equipped, players now see a corresponding golden glow on their character’s body.
    • Improved the visual presentation of switching classes.
    • Weapons and abilities can no longer be used while playing a hard land or a skydive land.
    • Teammates’ colors are now consistent for all team members. For instance, if a player is assigned green, they will appear green and have a green waypoint marker for everyone else on their team.
    • The fog progression bar on the HUD now has a numbered timer representing the time until the fog is complete.
    • The inventory screen has been updated, allowing players to drop health and armor potions, along with detailed information for weapons, abilities, and armor.
    • Various HUD and icon improvements and updates.

Audio Changes

  • Decreased the distance that players can hear zeppelins.
  • Decreased the fog horn volume.
  • Fixed an issue where pickup sounds could play as players cycled to new players in spectator, becoming eliminated, turning into a chicken, or changing classes.
  • Added more ambient environmental sounds.
  • Increased the distance that players could hear the edge of the fog.
  • Made various improvements to weapon and ability volume levels.
  • Adjusted the volume of the forging audio effects.
  • Made various improvements to UI and HUD sounds.
  • Classes now have more unique movement sounds.
  • Increased the range that players can hear other players landing from a skydive.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where the scope sensitivity setting was not properly working.
  • Fixed an issue where improved movement abilities wouldn't display green upgrade tips.
  • Fixed an issue where a late joining player could damage other players while they were deploying.
  • Fixed some T-Pose animation glitches.
  • Fixed an issue in which the wrong special effects were playing when going into stealth.
  • Fixed bug where becoming a chicken did not interrupt Long Bow draw.
  • Fixed an issue where the class name could be incorrect in chat.
  • Fixed an issue where a sword icon was shown in the dagger inventory slot when spectating another player.
  • Fixed an issue where the ammo count wouldn’t display correctly when spectating another player.
  • Fixed an issue where other players would sometimes look like they were playing a falling animation when they were standing still.
  • Fixed an issue where longbow animations would not play correctly for other players.
  • Fixed an issue where players would sometimes not be able to spectate other players.
  • Fixed an issue where rapidly using a weapon’s scope could prevent players from slowing down while aiming.

I think the Assassin gun shouldn't have been reduced and the hunter bow didn't need a damage nerf as much as fire rate reduction. Mages are now the best class. Good thing that's all I've been playing. Fireball on a 2.5 second cooldown for 900damage with a legendary weapon that hits for 900 as well? Yeah. Mages are the future now. I'm going to be flying through your windows snatching up all your loots.

The biggest problem was the didn't fix the squad bug where you hear EVERY movement ability your team does NO MATTER how far away they are. Fucking triggers my ptsd. I have to ask "was that you rolling?" every 2 seconds.
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Log Wizard
Diamond 1 now. I think I'm at 27 or 28 wins.

Don't fall in moats, dummies.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
This shit is actually kind of fun.

Honestly though, I wish there were no guns and it were just a straight Fantasy setting.


Log Wizard
Patch hit. Pretty good. Most weapons require skill to use now. Even Mage staff is ridiculously hard to land 3 hits on a moving person beyond 10 feet. Some of the buffed weapons are still.... dogshit.

Don't use poison pistols. EVER. Fuck.
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Buzzfeed Editor
Thought mage and poison got stopped boost. Must be hurt by the tighter hit boxes?


Log Wizard
What changed?
White one was doing 120 damage per shot. 5 clip. No bueno. High level ones are better but shotguns are a must.

Oh and the poison pistol hitbox was nerfed so it's really hard to hit all globs.
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Log Wizard
Lord love a game that has trades:

At least the on-the-fly patching keeps it fresh every few days!


Mr. Poopybutthole
Mages are pretty retarded but getting nerfed. Shotguns are strong as fuck, especially with the server lag/rubberbanding. But they're adding 2-3 MORE hitscan weapons. Will be interesting to see how that works out.

Overall digging it quite a bit. The Forging system alone I think makes it a bit more interesting than other BR games because it really incentivizes early/sustained aggression. I feel like the games where I go off to a corner where no one else is just puts me at a huge disadvantage compared to a game where I get a kill or two within the first minute. There's a lot of reward for the risk.


Log Wizard
On the Test Server right now. Besides for some reason not being able to jump (SO FUN) everything feels really good. Weapons feel amazing. Might just be the less stressed server. Full auto rifles are a no-go for me though. They do 67 per hit 6 times a second for a green, but they're incredibly loud and just annoying quite frankly.

Mage staff back to 275 a hit. Lolz. Fireball is faster I think too.
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Log Wizard
This game is so much fucking fun. I don't get it. It needs to advertise more or something. Just switched from Mage (which I played since Day 1) to Engineer since everyone bitches about Mages being OP. Well, it's more the player than the class:

(To be fair I had my legendary and the TWO abilities Engineers actually want, but barrier wasn't legendary or anything)

Here's a fucking MASSIVE battle that would never happen in PUBG. One team would just shoot the other in the back and kill them and it'd be over. Not in Realm Royale, baby!

Look at that shit. It's WoW battlegrounds with shooter elements. THIS IS YOUR GAME, NERDS! Get the fuck in it!

And for goofs, there's a bug where people show their sword when shooting their weapons. Except with the poison pistol it gets a little weirder:

Game is great. Class/weapon balance is still being done, but as strong as some classes are, EVERY fucking class is viable. It's more getting the right abilities than it is an inherent class v class thing.
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FoH nuclear response team
Welp, fuck this game.

Tried to login and try it out and saw I could create an account with my google account. Click on the link, says it created an account but I get no email saying I have an account or what the username/pw are.

Now my email is bound to an account I can't login. Way to go dumbfucks.