Recommended SEO Company?


Death and Taxes
TLDR: Are there any websites you guys could suggest that you've used for SEO on your website? I don't have time to do this at my job anymore and I've been tasked at doing it and have been given a chunk of cash to get it done.

Not sure if I'm in the right forum here but seemed fitting.

I run two websites that are separate divisions for my company. One site is several years old and has been pretty damn successful and it ranks high on the search terms we want it to rank. The second site I just pushed live about 2-3 months ago and the search ranking results aren't there and the overall "SEO" or however you want to say it, sucks.

I'm in a position now where I don't have time to dedicate myself to really making this site kick ass and moving it up the Google search ranks (or Bing I guess) which should ultimately lead to more inquiries on our product. Does anyone have a suggestion for a company I could contact that is a results driven SEO firm?


Death and Taxes
Thanks splok, I'll check that out. I should have done a search first, derp on me.


Trump's Staff
Don't go with anyone that promises immediate results, that's bullshit. Also, see if you can find a company that specializes in whatever niche your company or product is filling.


Death and Taxes
Think I found a pretty legit company in town here, Rocket55. Spoke with one of their reps and he said it would probably take 6-12 months to really achieve true results and they don't do any of the unethical SEO work. Charges were $500-1500 a month depending on the type of work and it sounded like since my campaign is national it would be on the upper end of that.