I'm sorry that you got laid while showing off mastery of a respected skill and athleticism, clearly your example goes to show that this entire redpill business is just nonsense. /rollseyesI'm not particularly alpha, and I can't even think of the last chick who made me wait more than one or two dates to get in there. Honestly, of the 15 or so chicks I hooked up with in my mid 20's to early 30's prior to settling down with the current special lady friend, the majority banged on the first real date we went on (many I had met previously either from ski trips, at parties, or through friends). And they were all classy bitches, for serious. Well, one was a skank, but just one.
You really need to stop convincing yourself that there's this magic formula that works in all situations, or that all chicks can be neatly categorized in to only a couple subsets. That's just not reality.
Listen, you banged more chicks on the first date than the average man fucks in his entire life. Ask yourself if that is "typical" of the male experience (hint, if your job title includes "boss" you might be a little more alpha than most . Just because you aren't lumped into the beta category, doesn't mean the that other guys don't suffer from these problems.
I'm not particularly alpha either, but the more I become, or demonstrate it, the better my outcomes. That is why redpill is such good advice. P.S. My (biological) dad commented today on a Facebook post I made (redpill video), he messaged me that he knew about that instinctually for the last 30 years, but it was the first time he ever saw it put down into words, and he thought it was really cool. The video was about shit tests, and how in a long term relationship capitulating to a woman's stated demands will make long term desire go down the hole.