I couldn't resist the itch and created a Paladin. His gear is aight. I am just running around Faydwer killing Orcs doing a little Fishing and Baking Sandwiches - maybe some low level PvP? It really does feel like I'm playing a single player game much worse compared to when I first started on Red.
Red is dead and it's been a shit server for about three years. Even massive non classic xp bonus and nearly uncontested dragons couldn't create a healthy pop... Wipe it clean, you can make a lot. More money off the RMTing then Rogean
I haven't been on Red since Chewie got banned, can someone tell me what happened to the Flowers of Happiness guild message board? All my Flowers bros are scattering in the wind
Also I'm just getting caught up on the Greengrocer stuff, LOL.