

Blackwing Lair Raider
Really nice server, too bad the raiding scene is so excessively toxic.

They seem really shy about permabanning people, even those that are an obvious detriment to the community.
Care to explain more about the raiding scene's toxicity? Even from my brief experience on the server I can tell that Nihilum seems to dominate end-game stuff, but I have a hard time believing that on a server with a reasonably low population one guild can cock block everyone else...


If anyone is still playing, look for me tonight on my toon Laven. Got him to lvl23 last night, first time ever playing a enchanter and enjoying it.


started up again playing a rogue, can't find a half decent dagger to save my life on this server. Dagger* is just not cutting it lol. Only lv7 at the moment
The problem with the server is the community, heavy on the ragey, hateful nerds side who think its funny to pick on someone because hes in a wheelchair, that sort of stuff.

People thinking youre "stupid" for not knowing the layout of a zone youve never been in, AKA didnt devote the last 3 years of your life, 15 hours a day on P99 like other smart people


There is a war going on over control of your mind
the "toxicity" is exaggerated, theres a couple douches but its not that bad

ive already gotten 1 person started if anyone else is interested please PM me as I'll be starting a PL group in the very near future


Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
I have a 20 something Shammy here but was traveling so much I have not played in like 8 or 9 months. I was a Flower. But with the exp Nerf the population dropped like a rock and I figured it was done. Did it ever bounce back?
the "toxicity" is exaggerated, theres a couple douches but its not that bad

ive already gotten 1 person started if anyone else is interested please PM me as I'll be starting a PL group in the very near future
Are you in a big guild, because unless you enjoy camping meh loot solo at high levels, thats where u need to be.

From my experience, Nihilum has less toxic assholes than Azrael but there is still plenty so that if you have some kind of nice fiber in your being youre bound to say something at some point and then get aggravated by his brown nosing frat clique.

Just as an example as soon as there are females on voice the talks turn sexual and how that body part is a 7 and all kinds of mysogynistic, nerdy shit. Was worse in Azrael.

There are some good people but few and far between.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Care to explain more about the raiding scene's toxicity? Even from my brief experience on the server I can tell that Nihilum seems to dominate end-game stuff, but I have a hard time believing that on a server with a reasonably low population one guild can cock block everyone else...
Just want to point out that no one has yet given a cogent, lucid example of what is toxic about the server's end game. When I asked the question I was wondering if the complaints were a case of a few disgruntled people that feel they got "screwed over" at some point simply venting their frustration. Seems like that's the case.
Just want to point out that no one has yet given a cogent, lucid example of what is toxic about the server's end game. When I asked the question I was wondering if the complaints were a case of a few disgruntled people that feel they got "screwed over" at some point simply venting their frustration. Seems like that's the case.
Bullying someone a year or 2 throughout, because hes handicapped and cant use his legs. If that doesnt ring a "toxic" bell not sure what will. Its not some bad apple either, most of Azrael's crew in the forums have either participated or poked fun at Nizzar for the sole fact of being in a wheelchair, wether or not hes actually in a wheelchair is irrelevant. Ive wheeled my dad around in a wheelchair in 2012 before he died of cancer and personally thats one of the slimiest, scumbagiest behavior ive been around on the internet, since maybe my old WoW server, Dethecus (lol).

Childish and groupthink mentality, very cliquy with some people. Rub someone the wrong way and have his whole crew go stupid on you. Getting screamed at by Nizzar (Nihilum's lead) when hes wrong and youre right. Hes got redeeming qualities though, but that was a huge hurdle. Im close to 40 years old, i dont play games to get aggravated, getting screamed at on the regular for no good reason.

The rampant sexism, a racist clique here and there (The danes in Nihilum as an example, who for some reason hate all swedish people), how seriously every side takes which side youve chosen (again this isnt everybody). So like, i was cool with some guy and as soon as i joined nihilum started trash talking me on the forums.

I mean just go thread by thread on the forums, check out the kind of stuff people post and that will give you a rough idea of the kinds of personalities that are commonplace for residents of that server.

Again, there are exceptions, but a crew of 5 cool people wont get you far once youre 52+


Rogue Deathwalker Box
<Silver Donator>
If you are not comfortable with racism / sexism / people mocking handicaps, you do not belong on the internet.

So . . . is Nizzar really in a wheelchair? If so, that is actually pretty fucking hilarious.
If you are not comfortable with racism / sexism / people mocking handicaps, you do not belong on the internet.

So . . . is Nizzar really in a wheelchair? If so, that is actually pretty fucking hilarious.
See, if you can tolerate these kinds of guys on voice, laughing about American Inventor this American Inventor that, "Hey isnt it funny that guy is nailed to a wheelchair and cant walk, how miserable sometimes he will feel right bros HAHAHA" etc... youll do fine, i cant.

Ive been on plenty of places on the internet, in gaming circles where this kind of thing will get you shit on real fast.

Who the fuck does that shit in real life? Its such a wormy behavior where you need to keep that sort of behavior hidden from others in real life, and happy to be your full blown black-hearted scumbag self on the internet. After a couple of minutes of that shit exposed to the light of day in real life, for example going in a cancer wing in a hospital laughing at people because theyre wheelchair bound, even the scrawniest pencil neck geek with his grandma in a wheelchair will get heated enough to take a chair to your fuckin head and send you to the hospital for being that personality-wise repugnant. You know this will happen and you cant be that opened in real life about how vile you are, deep in your secret heart so you end up on red99 and finally meet other repulsive anti-social, chickenshit, borderline people to hang with and play a game together.

I know its a regular thing on the internet, duh. I choose to stay away from such people besides reading some of their stupid fucking posts once in a while on gaming forums.

Bottom line is youre not raiding on Red99 without getting a heavy dose of such behavior each time you log on



Vyemm Raider
Me and my dad starting out fresh on the server, I will be playing some variation of Flobee (not 100% set on characters yet), hit me up if you see me newbing around.


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
See, if you can tolerate these kinds of guys on voice, laughing about American Inventor this American Inventor that, "Hey isnt it funny that guy is nailed to a wheelchair and cant walk, how miserable sometimes he will feel right bros HAHAHA" etc... youll do fine, i cant.

Ive been on plenty of places on the internet, in gaming circles where this kind of thing will get you shit on real fast.

Who the fuck does that shit in real life? Its such a wormy behavior where you need to keep that sort of behavior hidden from others in real life, and happy to be your full blown black-hearted scumbag self on the internet. After a couple of minutes of that shit exposed to the light of day in real life, for example going in a cancer wing in a hospital laughing at people because theyre wheelchair bound, even the scrawniest pencil neck geek with his grandma in a wheelchair will get heated enough to take a chair to your fuckin head and send you to the hospital for being that personality-wise repugnant. You know this will happen and you cant be that opened in real life about how vile you are, deep in your secret heart so you end up on red99 and finally meet other repulsive anti-social, chickenshit, borderline people to hang with and play a game together.

I know its a regular thing on the internet, duh. I choose to stay away from such people besides reading some of their stupid fucking posts once in a while on gaming forums.

Bottom line is youre not raiding on Red99 without getting a heavy dose of such behavior each time you log on


I think I'm too old to deal with those people.


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
FoH is the best guild on Red. I see nothing has changed.
Yea FoH rocks. In a mere month they got 2 of their members suspended or banned for training (thx staff for solving that), and the few active members they had have moved on to The Plague.

Still 2-3 guys in it doing nothing at all. Joke of a guild.