Remakes You Would Like To See.


Millie's Staff Member
we had a thread like this long ago, but i cant find it anymore.
i would like to see an accurate remake of Over The Edge, not an actual remake of the movie so much as a remake with that premise in mind. something so people old enough to remember will say, "this feels just like Over The Edge"
use kids around 15-18 and have them get into all kids of trouble and show relationships that kids that age would have, no creepy sex stuff. just good acting by kid actors. no monsters or supernatural stuff either. it could be made for cheap and relate to real life kids these days to get them interested in something besides their fucking cellphones. i dont even know if they make movies like this anymore. i know they made tons of them when i was a kid and i watched them all with my friends and my girlfriend when they came on HBO. i can see how a movie like this could get hijacked by progressives who would want to insert all kinds of freaky agendas in it. thats why it needs to be something small and cheap that can be made without studio execs getting their grubby mitts on it.
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Potato del Grande
Nothing, I'd like them to leave everything the fuck alone. Sadly that will never happen.
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Millie's Staff Member
Nothing, I'd like them to leave everything the fuck alone. Sadly that will never happen.
it could be ok if it was a bad movie that they made better or a movie that is similar to a cool film, but without using the actual name of it for market appeal. still using that same idea and tone. it could work, its what they used to do and we loved that shit. when Halloween came out it launched a bunch of copycats. some good, a lot of them were bad. but they used that same premise. who says you cant make a good modern day copycat of an old successful film?


Trakanon Raider
I don't want them remaking movies I liked. Movies that had a good premise and/or source material, but then flopped? Sure. Timeline by Michael Crichton comes to mind...I loved the book, but had no idea it was made into a film until it was already on DVD. The Dark Tower would be another good example of something they should remake eventually. I'm sure there are other examples, but I'm tired and the movies that would fit the bill are the ones I've tried to forget ever existed.
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I could see them giving an A Team movie or show a go again. The concept works, but the movie was not good.

Movie wise IDK? I' am good to see Gunn do a Superman movie but IDK if that is a remake. Strictly remake? Eragon maybe? I'd love to see a GREAT Pearl Harbor movie by Nolan.

TV show wise: There was a Sam Esmail BSG that has apparently gotten nowhere and I LOVE Mr Robot. Could always go for a new Tales of the Crypt. I think with TV now a days they are more willing to give a whirl on an book or an original idea then a remake.


Millie's Staff Member
I don't want them remaking movies I liked. Movies that had a good premise and/or source material, but then flopped? Sure. Timeline by Michael Crichton comes to mind...I loved the book, but had no idea it was made into a film until it was already on DVD. The Dark Tower would be another good example of something they should remake eventually. I'm sure there are other examples, but I'm tired and the movies that would fit the bill are the ones I've tried to forget ever existed.
alright, but you liked Independence Day and The Last Starfighter, right? thats just Star Wars with a different name, Starship Troopers is basically Aliens. Monster Squad and Explorers is basically Goonies. The Sandlot and Radio Flyer pretty much ripped off Stand By Me. there are lots of good examples of "remakes" that only borrowed ideas from a successful film.


Not Great, Not Terrible
<Bronze Donator>
Probably nothing, remakes just seem to suck ass today. Reboots typically suck ass too.

The only good ones I can think of off the top of my head are Dredd and Fury Road.
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<Gold Donor>
Masters of the Universe but rated R
Remo Williams
Buckaroo Bonzai
The Last Jedi
Hard R live action remake of Monster House
Live action remake of The Polar Express.


Tranny Chaser
A proper G1 transformers movie, not just g1 character designs but everything g1 - characters, personalities etc
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Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
If something was good, leave it alone.

If something was bad but could have been good if done properly then why not.

As a general rule though no, don't make remakes, be creative and take chances and create something new...that's so much more exciting.

There's so much more room to be awed and amazed by something new than by a remake of something you're already familiar with.


Goonsquad Officer
<Bronze Donator>
I watched a video a while back (can't find it now) where the guy who made it was pointing out that instead of remaking good and famous films, as this usually leads to disaster, they should remake films that had an interesting premise but flopped for one reason or another (such as a good script, but bad acting). He used the film Guys and Dolls as a short example. It's an old film that starred Marlon Brando and Frank Sinatra, but Brandon threw a hissy fit and demanded to play the singing lead role (it was a musical or semi-musical) while Sinatra played the moody sidekick or something. Basically, a perfect duo if the actors had played the role of the other.

But then there is another way, and that is instead of remaking or rebooting a franchise, simply expand it. Want a new Ghostbusters film, have it set in a different city with a different cast, as if they are opening up another branch. Have Bill Murry have a cameo at the start where he hands them the keys to the new place and reminds them never to cross the streams before he fucks off.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Conan. I like the universe a lot and has a lot of potential to make some good movies. The Mamoa one was absolute trash.
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<Bronze Donator>
The Day of the Triffids -It seems like it would fit right in with the current crop of stuff and it really hasn't had a good version ever. Other than that I could do with a remake of Barbarella made for even more male gaze.