All those fees get rolled up into the loan. It's $0 down. Believe me, if I were shelling out money I think I'd fucking know it. The only "down payment" I have is the earnest money (and the points), and there's no getting around that for any loan ever. But if you're going to argue that, there's technically no such thing as $0 down.Well it isn't $0 down. Unless you're saying they are going to wave that origination fee. It looks like you paid a half a point so you bought it down from 3.75% to 3.25%? That's strange considering the first work sheet does say 3.375%.
Am I reading your form wrong? You are paying points, you're just rolling them up in the cost of the loan?I didn't call you an asshole. Honestly I'm just explaining my loan, since no one believed that I was offered 3.375% without points. I also never said anything about half a point.
Seller is covering $5k in closing costs, and yes, there are additional fees. The bulk of which are the VA funding fee and origination. But both of those get rolled up into the loan, so we don't need cash upfront for them. My offer on the house was $236.5k, but my actual loan will be in the $241k range (our $2kish in earnest money covers a portion of this).
I will say you're correct about lenders not being completely upfront about everything. The fact that I had to pay the appraisal and inspection fees upfront was kind of a surprise, as that ended up being almost $1k.
My entire point of all of this was that Draegan, a year ago, said that money will never be cheaper as he had just locked up a 3.99% loan. Well, in a year, I was offered a 3.375% loan without points. Seems to me like money got cheaper. Even discounting the fact that I may have significantly different financial conditions than Draegan and got offered a different loan, 3.5% seems to be pretty common right now (two of my coworkers also bought houses this month and both got 3.5% without points).
Loldoes anyone have any experience with someone who always has to find a way to correct people?
It sounds like your confusing points with rates. 1 point = 1% of the loan. If the loan is 250k, it would add $2500 to the cost of the loan, but would drop the rate in this case by 1/8%.I wasn't really arguing man. You said they were covering 5k in closing costs, the fees are more than that and there is the 1% origination fee, which is the down payment. Is the VA funding fee getting waived? And I was asking where that half point was coming from since you went from 3.375 to 3.25 which is not half a point. It's just my hatred for how confusing they make everything and how full of shit most banks/mortgage brokers are when it comes to what you'll be paying.
They're allowed to make it sound like you'll be out of pocket a lot less than you will be in actuality. I wasn't trying to say anything else.
Several people call bullshit on your interest rate and then say I'm the asshole? Gimme a break.