Represent Your Distro (or any OS)


Lord Nagafen Raider
This right here. Hackintosh is nice and fine to play around with but for real world use I would advise against it. The macbook air just got a refresh, so you can find last years model which is practically identical to the new one except for a slight non perceptible cpu boost.
Air devices have ULV processors, not really enough if you plan on doing serious development with them.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
It really depends on how/what you develop. "Worth it" is a matter of perspective, as a paid developer the answer is typically "hell yes", because if you spend 10h a year fucking with linux or windows specific issues you've already negated the cost savings of either. OSX fills that void of just being a stable machine that has good terminal support, there's nothing "special" about it outside that, but that's enough that you see them very frequently among devs.
What I also like about OSX, which this will be odd to say, is there is less software for it. Just the other day I needed an XML editor with full XPath 1.0 and 2.0 support. On Windows there are a thousand of these. All with varying degrees of quality and functionality. On OSX there were like four. And my company had readily available keys for one of them.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I use a MBP. The form factor of the Air is very nice but 90% of the time (probably higher) the computer is docked with my multi monitor hookup anyways.
ahh took me a minute to figure out what MBA was, I feel a little dumb now. MBA would certainly be cheaper than a full fledged iMac. I am considering that route since a laptop would be nice for school anyway.


Shit Lord Supreme
If you like OSX but want to build something, and are a Linux user at heart try Elementary OS it is by far and away the cleanest GUI I've ever encountered.