I remember my first dealings with Tanoomba. It was in a thread about whether you could have women friends. This seemed like such a silly question, one that could only be answered in the negative if you were a total fucking juvenile. Yet when I went into the thread, it was an absolute shitshow of Red Pill bullshit. Tanoomba was arguing with them all over the place and I really enjoyed his posts. He seemed intelligent, was a fellow educator, and I was cheering his posting on. In several other pills that idiots like Dumar, Antarius and Himeo derailed, he also posted obvious truths. He felt like a fellow mind, sharing many of my views.
I didn't start to see his lunacy until the Zimmerman trial. His ignoring of the evidence that did exist while clinging to his own narrative was shocking for someone that I respected. When I made some attempt to explain this shit to him, he reacted like a religious fanatic, lashing out and calling everyone who disagreed with him a racist. Then, eventually he was so cornered that he decided to switch his stance. However, he did this and then turned into a concern troll, saying essentially "yeah, zimmerman was innocent, but he still should be punished and everyone that believed him innocent before now is a racist". Again, it was the type of bias you only see when arguing religion with a loon.
This pattern repeated itself on the drunk consent and solar roadways. However, the thing that convinced me he truly was off his rocker was the moon landing fiasco. We have a smart college-educated man, who teaches adults, access to the internet. Yet he thought that it was impossible for him to make a determination of whether or not hte moon landing happened. He couldn't figure out if 9/11 was a conspiracy or not. This isn't open-mindedness, this was straight empty-headed laziness, abandonment of his very own intellect. It showed that he really had no skeptical ability. A friend made some dubious argument, he couldn't make a determination so would just shut down trying to think about it.
All this though, wasn't the worst part of Tanoomba. It was his singleminded obsession with Anita that finally did him completely in. Not only did he refuse to see reason, but he started lashing out anyone daring to disagree. Time and time again, someone new would try and talk about these videos, they would think he was crazy and this would just make him double down further. He started to invent some weird conspiracy where everyone in the entire forum had been poisoned against him by Thunderfoot. Even people who had never heard of the conversation before, somehow were part of the poisoned well. It was just sickening to behold.
Good riddance moonbat. You aren't wanted, you aren't giving us useful content and no one likes you. Go to NeoGaf, Sean needs company.