Rerolled Pen and Paper Gaming Group


Golden Squire
Jesus, you posted this around the time I left work so I didn't see it, and I just checked the site now...and it's all full! Still, I'll post in hopes of making it in.

Friday works for me as well, except I would be a couple minutes late (15-30 at most) due to working until 4:30. I could potentially plan to leave early each week if it really mattered, but I prefer not to call in those kinds of favors at work if I don't have to. Still, I'd do it if that were required.

Also, I'd love to try out this Savage Worlds thing and play with Moontayle (big fan of your books!) and others, if there is room. If I get in a group, just tell me what books I'd have to buy/download/shoplift to get up to speed.
7:30 EST is a bit early for me too. I would need at least half an hour since that's when I get my kids to bed. I'm okay with not being a part of the group overall but I did want to toss my hat into the ring, just in case it worked out.


Savage World sounds good to me too, if Himeo is up to it.

As I said, I haven't played or read it, but I hear good things and up for something new.


Vyemm Raider
So.. I'll take that as Zhaun and Vvoid confirming Friday / Savage Worlds. System looks like it's designed for 3-5 players. Would need three other people to commit to Friday / Savage Worlds. I'm flexible on the start time, can move it back 30 minutes if needed. But, I don't want to go past midnight EST.


<Gold Donor>
As I said, I'll be up to 30 minutes late (max) some days, so if Moontayle can jump in when he is ready that would be fine with me, since he's sort of the one that got us on this Savage Worlds kick in the first place. It's your game, obviously, but just tossing it out there that it would be cool if we could work around him a little since we're going with his game.

On the subject of the actual game, I have no knowledge of SW, but it seems that it is an open-ended system where you can make just about any style of adventure (sci-fi, fantasy, western, etc.). I'm assuming they have pre-made adventures as well. Any ideas what we might end up playing, or is this system as new to you as it is to me? I lean towards fantasy or sci-fi, and am not a big fan of westerns unless they also include elements of the previous two, but will play anything. Not sure what else SW encompasses, horror maybe?

If someone has some knowledge they can impart as to what to get/read for players as well, that would be helpful. I don't want to go reading all the source material if I shouldn't be, but I assume there is a player's guide or something.

EDIT: Oh, and once things are confirmed, are you interested in making posts/threads where we can discuss things between sessions, or do you prefer to keep it all contained? You know, I'm thinking things like discussing what kind of character we might want to try before it starts, help with ideas for those of us that have never played, or discussing where we want to go at the start of the next session or how we want to handle some dilemma you left us with at the end of the last one. Might save a few minutes of start-up time occasionally, and if nothing else it will be fun to talk about someone's crazy exploits perhaps. Maybe even give a little background into our characters, or what we do at the inn between sessions, whatever. Just an idea, but I can understand if you prefer to keep it self-contained too.


Vyemm Raider
Haven't played SW before either. But the reviews for it are very positive and it's a GURPS type system (think they're called generic?). I get the impression it works best for modern settings.

As someone new to the system I'd prefer to use a pre-made campaign setting, because each campaign setting requires rules updates.

Here's a list of some of theoptions.


Honorary Shit-PhD
<Gold Donor>
I'll confirm for Friday Savage Worlds. Never heard of the system, but it sounds pretty savage, so I'm down.


<Gold Donor>
Man, that's a lot of choices for campaign settings. I don't really care which we go with, just excited to start reading something whenever we decide!

Well, ok, to be fair, I DO prefer that it not be "modern day" too much where you're basically just normal people. Either some sort of sci-fi/cyberpunk element, or superpowers, or a fantasy element, or even a horror setting with special abilities, whatever. Just something where it isn't pretty much normal guns/weapons and my (lack of) intellect. You know, just something to make the characters seem "special", if that makes sense. However, as I said, I'll play anything if everyone else has strong opinions in a particular direction.

I think I'm gonna try doing this from my HTPC too, so I can lounge in laziness in front of my big screen. Are pants required? (kidding!) Also gives me an excuse to finally buy that webcam I've been putting off, so now I can supplement my income with camwhoring.


Haven't play SW before either. But the reviews for it are very positive and it's a GURPS type system (think they're called generic?). I get the impression it works best for modern settings.

As someone new to the system I'd prefer to use a pre-made campaign setting, because each campaign setting requires rules updates.

Here's a list of some of theoptions.
I'd highly recommend Deadlands, it's an amazing setting. I've run a Rippers campaign and am in the process of running a Necropolis one now. I used to be a d20 / D&D guy but after playing Savage Worlds the past couple of years I don't think I could go back, the system is very fast and fluid and encounters don't (usually) take nearly as long. You can run a game with more than 5 (I do) but the party power gets pretty insane with each additional player added.


Vyemm Raider
I want to avoid that if at all possible. Five is also a better number for out of combat situations. Games tend to go smoother with six or fewer players at the table and five seems to be the sweet spot.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Nonwebcam is fine right? Planning on a wireless mic/headset for the ability to roam when I don't need the screen - wife might prefer a can not sure, but they're an annoying tether to me. (Plus can't game naked that way WTF!)


Vyemm Raider
Nonwebcam is fine right? Planning on a wireless mic/headset for the ability to roam when I don't need the screen - wife might prefer a can not sure, but they're an annoying tether to me. (Plus can't game naked that way WTF!)
Webcam is optional. So are you and your wife good for a SW game on Friday?


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Need to familiarize myself with the setting - and with how time is working out this week won't be able to get out to buy our mic(s) [hers is wonky in EQ2 gotta test it for Skype before assuming its DOA] until mid Friday at a minimum - can't promise availability this week voice wise if I strike out at Microcenter after her AM appointment.

Will (unfortunately, since my LGS's don't seem to carry it from calling them up today) pirate the base rules tonight and speedread them to get up to speed on the fundamentals though. If it's as GURPSlike as it sounds it should be an easy read to familiarize. (I already got the attribute system (dX per stat) and the "surge" (max roll = roll the die again and add it to the previous roll, ad infinitum) concept down pat as well from just the brief read that Wikipedia has on it.


Vyemm Raider
We can work around the mic issues and lack of experience with the system this week. Don't worry about that. I've got a plan to deal with that stuff.

Are you in?


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Sure thing - and no TV shows on Friday for us (unless we've got TiVo stuff built up that we didn't get to during the week) so completely wide-open on entertainment time.


Golden Squire
I'll confirm. Desktop doesn't have webcam and just as a warning for the first hour I might end up taking a minute or two here or there to settle the kids.

SW can be dropped into just about any setting you want. I run with a fantasy group for the Saturdays I play but there's a group down the hall that runs a quasi-noir setting and still another that runs a sci-fi setting.

Just let us know so I can start crafting my character.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Yea, setting(s) would be good data as well - would be what setting stuff to acquire via torrent tonight so I can get some general character ideas in place. (Or if a few are being considered, the shortlist)


<Gold Donor>
Yeah, same here. Once stuff is decided, please let me know what books, as specifically as possible, would be good to get. And if there is a player's guide or something similar I can get before then, please let me know. I see stuff like the Explorer's Edition, Deluxe Edition, Fantasy Companion...I have no clue what to even look at. HALP!

P.S. If none of us are playing via webcam, I'll gladly sit around in my underwear with the camera off then! Or on, if that will get me free lewt from Himeo or the party members.


Vyemm Raider
Alright, first game will be Friday, November 1st.

Start: 5:00 PM PST
End: 9:00 PM PST
Playing Savage Worlds

1) Moontayle
2) Vaclav
3) Vaclav's Wife
4) Seananigans
5) Vvoid
6) Zhaun

What you need to do to be ready for Friday:
1) Setup an account with Roll20.
2) Setup an account on skype.
3) Find a copy of the Savage Worlds Explorer's Edition (core rulebook) (Deluxe edition nice, but not necessary. All errata and updates in the deluxe edition are available for free on their website)

The first game session will be a one-off game. I'll create pre-gen characters for you to pick from, or you can make your own character using the core rulebook only. I expect to spend about thirty minutes to an hour working out technical problems / getting everyone connected. After that, I'll run the group through a series of challenges to familiarize us with the combat and game system. At the end of the session, we'll pick a setting and start a long running campaign the next week.