Rerolled Pen and Paper Gaming Group


<Gold Donor>
That will be 4 melee'ish characters if we assume Laura makes a tank like she said. That's not a bad thing, as most of these games lend themselves to melee characters anyway.

For the Sellsword profession, you still have to buy the Sellsword edge, correct? The end result being that you then get Level-headed earlier than you normally would, right?


<Gold Donor>
Ok, someone tell me if I'm crazy and my thinking is totally wrong.

Malakar melee-based character, with the ability to take some damage as well.

Innate racial edges are claws (count as runic) that do STR+2 damage, resistance to magic, poison, etc.

4 pts in Hindrances, allowing me to buy 2 more attribute bumps (7 total), resulting in:

d8 Agility
d4 Smarts
d4 Spirit
d8 Strength
d10 Vigor

Skills are:
d12 Fighting (7 skill points)
d8 Climbing (3)
d4 Riding (1)
d4 Stealth (1)
d4 Shooting (1)
d4 Throwing (1)
d4 Notice (1)

8 Parry
7 Toughness

I realize it is a fairly one-dimensional character, but I don't see any way NOT to be fairly one-dimensional at creation (as it should be for a starting character). My first two "level ups" I'd buy Two-Fisted Fighting and then Ambidextrous, so I could attack with each clawed hand each round with no penalty. I'll be intimidated and tricked and such fairly often, but so will everyone else that isn't some sort of caster probably anyway. And I've got the innate Malakar resistance to magic to help occasionally as well.

Is that dumb, not taking any edges to start? Or having low Spirit and Smarts? Is this character completely worthless?


I'm not sure I would spend so much on Fighting myself. Also the problem with a low Spirit would be fear-type rolls, you'd be useless in any kind of scary situation. I've seen it in other games, it doesn't matter how bad-ass you are if you spend the whole fight peeing yourself in the corner

Remember: Recovering from Shaken is a Spirit roll.

A Shaken character automatically attempts to recover at
the beginning of each action by making a Spirit roll. A failure
means he remains Shaken (though he may move half his
Pace as outlined above). With a success, the recovery check
consumes the hero's entire round but the character recovers
and can remove his Shaken counter. With a raise, the character
recovers instantly and may act normally.
So you could potentially be permanently incapacitated by some wanker with a 1d6 or 1d8 Intimidate standing over you going "booga booga!" every round.

I don't think going without Edges is a problem, as you can use Hindrances to help boost Stats or Skills, which can be just as good.

Oh! Note! Technically some of those Edges can't be taken after creation!


<Gold Donor>
Oh! Note! Technically some of those Edges can't be taken after creation!
If you're referring to Background Edges, they changed the rule so you can take them whenever you want. Which makes sense to me, given how many of them there are you'd never get to use the majority of them otherwise. If you're referring to something else, then I'm unaware of it.

I get the part about low Spirit, definitely, so maybe I'll bump it up one, but if someone wants to dominate my character it is going to happen no matter what since my Spirit will probably never go higher than d6 on a melee character anyway. Recovering from shaken makes sense though, so perhaps a d6 is worth it.

The problem is, never having played this system before, I don't think of all the extraneous things that happen all the time. It would be like playing Warhammer and not realizing how important morale is.


Grr. I really wish I had the main book.

There is something about Weird Science people power points go into the items they make instead of having power points themselves? I was looking at maybe being a Chemist, which requires Inventor, which works like Weird Science.


<Gold Donor>
I'm confused by all the Weird Science shit myself (and a lot of other things). Thinking I might say fuck the melee and go Demonologist now


If you're referring to Background Edges, they changed the rule so you can take them whenever you want. Which makes sense to me, given how many of them there are you'd never get to use the majority of them otherwise. If you're referring to something else, then I'm unaware of it.

I get the part about low Spirit, definitely, so maybe I'll bump it up one, but if someone wants to dominate my character it is going to happen no matter what since my Spirit will probably never go higher than d6 on a melee character anyway. Recovering from shaken makes sense though, so perhaps a d6 is worth it.

The problem is, never having played this system before, I don't think of all the extraneous things that happen all the time. It would be like playing Warhammer and not realizing how important morale is.
I haven't looked at the Runepunk setting in quite some time so I have no idea if fear is a huge aspect of it. Rippers, Deadlands, and Necropolis (all games I've played / run heavily) it plays a huge part so you want at least a d6 spirit. Looking at your build I'd probably drop to d8 fighting (which is more than enough for a novice character) and then get ambidextrous and two fisted fighting at the start. Your average enemy parry is likely going to be around 5 at the start, and with a possible 4 melee characters in the group you're going to have a gang up bonus fairly often.


Honorary Shit-PhD
<Gold Donor>
Here's what I'm looking at right now:

Name: _____
Race: Human
Rank: Novice XP: 2
Agility d8
Smarts d8
Spirit d6
Strength d6
Vigor d6

Fighting d6
Knowledge(Engineering) d4
Notice d8
Shooting d10
Stealth d6
Throwing d4
Tracking d4

Parry: 5
Toughness: 5

Bad Luck(Major)


No clue on gear, as I'm a bit confused what the technology level is like in this setting. The idea is some sort of gunslinger character, so something akin to dual pistols (if such a thing exists).


Golden Squire
Here's mine (using your template):

Name: Devon
Race: Andari
Rank: Novice XP: 2
Agility d8
Smarts d4
Spirit d6
Strength d6
Vigor d6

Note: 2 points spent raising Agility to d8. 2 points to raise Vigor to d6 (Andari racial hindrance). 1 point to raise Spirit to d6. 2 hindrance points spent to get Strength to d6.

Fighting d10
Shooting d8
Taunt d6
Intimidation d6
Climbing d6

Notes: 5 points to Fighting, 3 Points to Shooting, 3 to Taunt, 2 to Intimidation and 2 to Climbing.

Parry: 7 (+1 for Staff, see below) - Total: 8
Toughness: 5 (+2 for Andari racial, +1 armor) - Total: 8
Pace: 6
Charisma: 0

Tough on Things (racial) - on a roll of 1 mechanical items I'm using break (regardless of the wild die)
Wispy (racial) - 2 points needed to raise Vigor
Clueless (major) - Common Knowledge rolls at -2
Delusional (minor) - Believes glee is a mind control substance
Loyal: Clients (minor) - Never betrays a client's interests, at least until the job is done.

Mystical Knack (racial) - n/a since I'm not doing magic/rune/whatever
Out of Phase (racial) - +2 toughness
Perceptive (racial) - Notice +2 (this has the benefit of making notice a straight roll for me since I didn't take it as a skill)
Twilight Sight (racial) - Can see in any light or lack thereof
Sellsword (profession) - Gotten using 2 Hindrance points
Level Headed (profession) - Allows me to get dealt two cards during initiative, can take whichever I want

Leatherjack armor - +1 toughness for torso, arms, legs
2h Staff - Reach: 1 - Dmg: Str +1 - Parry +1
Pitchpit Pistol - Range: 12/24/48 - ROF: 1 (10 shots) - Dmg: 2d6


<Gold Donor>
I'm a nerd. I almost never like the character sheets that are provided with these games, so I invariably end up making my own. This is just a quick one thrown together, and I am already thinking I might have to remake it with sharper lines, different fonts, more room for hindrances (forgot races have hindrances), etc. It works better as an actual pen and paper version too. But if any of you want to use it for now, here is a link to the psd, jpg, and png versions:

Dropbox - Character Sheets.rar

EDIT: Character info changed and moved to later in the thread.


This is my terrible idea of a character.

Young man with impressive spiritual and healing talents... and not much else. He has a little social stuff, thanks to Charisma giving +2, and will grow into more. The key thing he brings to the group is being able to give people +2 to natural healing just by being there and having a 1d10+2 roll for a healing spell to keep all you violent sociopaths alive

It'd be handy if he had a big brother type friend in another PC, either literally or figuratively.

Race: Human (Citizen)
Rank: Novice XP: 2
Agility d4
Smarts d6
Spirit d10
Strength d4
Vigor d4

Faith 1d10
Fighting 1d4
Healing 1d4 (+2)
Knowledge: 1d4
Persuasion 1d4 (+2)
Stealth 1d4
Streetwise 1d4 (+2)

Parry: 4
Toughness: 4
Pace: 6
Charisma: +2

Bad Eyes (uses goggles) - Minor
Obligation (Shadowpriest) - Minor
Young (12 years old) - Major

Arcane Background (Shadowpriest)



*Himeo, the list of available Shadowpriest powers seems to be put together before the latest version of the main book got put out, so there are a few powers that are in there, and fit the theme of a Shadowpriest (looking at other spells on the list), but aren't on the RunePunk book's list, such as Succor (a healy spell) and Confusion.



<Gold Donor>
Nothing wrong with that character Zhaun. It's a great support character, which was your goal from what you've said. It is good that we don't have all fighters. I freely admit that I suck at characters that don't get bloody, so I'm glad you don't.

As far as the older brother (or sister) thing, obviously it would make more sense for a human character to take up that role, if any of them feel like doing that, of course. If nothing else, my character's background of being mistreated as a child would make him protective of any children, so we always have that to fall back on if no one else steps up to the plate. They'd have to get through me to get to you regardless of any other siblings, so there's that at least. I like the idea of you having an actual brother or sister though, adds a little to the party dynamic. Hopefully someone else agrees.


Golden Squire

Devon used to be one of a handful of people adept at making a living in the Barrens of Scarfall. More to the point, he provided protection for any Sifters willing to toss him a Royal or two. Unfortunately, during one such excursion he and his employer were caught in a sudden Runestorm. While his employer failed to survive, all Devon remembers is falling unconscious, and then waking up later on feeling... different. He is now Andari, and though he can feel a greater connection to the Magics of the world at large, he still feels more at home with a staff in hand and something to use it on. And so, he continues to peddle his protection gifts. The idea of having an Andari protector intrigues many potential clients, and they are often willing to pay extra for such a service. Devon has used this as leverage to move up from sifters as his clients into merchants, priests and other middle class types. He hopes to one day make enough of a name for himself to provide his services for the elite.

Despite his occupation, Devon is fairly oblivious to the world around him. He lives in the moment, even moreso now that he no longer has a natural death to worry about. His clients are everything to him and the price of his services buys his loyalty until the task is complete. Unlike others in his position, before the change and after, he refuses to imbibe in glee, long since convinced that it is a mind control substance designed to keep the workers of the city from ever realizing their true potential.

(note: I've changed my Loyalty from friends to clients to reflect the backstory)


Looking good!

Note that the RunePunk book uses the older Savage Worlds damage notations, so to update them the "+"'s turn into dice. +1 = 1d4, +2 = 1d6, +3 = 1d8 and so on. So Malakar claws would be "Str + 1d6", or 2d6 for you Vvoid.

As for guns Sean, here are the normal guns:

"light pistol" - 2d6 damage - 10 shots - 200$
"heavy pistol" - 2d8 damage - 6 shots - 300$ - requires a minimum of 1d6 Str

"rife" - 3d6 damage - 8 shots - 500$ - requires a minimum of 1d6 Str
"sniper rifle" - 2d10 damage - 6 shots - 2000$ - extra range, requires a minimum of 1d8 Str, snapfire penalty (have to aim before shooting I think)

"shotgun" - 1/2/3d6 damage (based on range) - 12 shots - 350$ - requires a minimum of 1d8 Str, shotgun rules (+2 to hit)

Those are the normal bullet guns, there are runic laser guns, but they're all 1000s of $ so outside our cost range unless Rich or somthing.


There was talk of a second group earlier in the thread, is that still a possibility? I've only played a pen and paper once before but I would love to try again. I could probably talk my SO into playing as well.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Meh - gonna have to skip reading the book fully and just run with character creation parts at this rate and catch up on understanding the rules fully later at this rate - finding it sooo hard to read the PDF form and Amazon still not here... (And checked LGSs another ~50 miles out on the phone... none carry SW apparently...)

No way I'm finishing the main books and getting her and my character done for Friday evening if I read completely. (And not wasting 300 pages of arted up pages worth of toner... pretty sure that would just about kill one of my ~$85 laser cartridges more than the books will cost once Amazon gets them here...)


Molten Core Raider
There's no possible way I could join you guys, but I just thought I'd wish you all the best from a veteran PnPer! Have fun and rememember - splitting up is always going to get someone killed.


<Gold Donor>
Looking good!

Note that the RunePunk book uses the older Savage Worlds damage notations, so to update them the "+"'s turn into dice. +1 = 1d4, +2 = 1d6, +3 = 1d8 and so on. So Malakar claws would be "Str + 1d6", or 2d6 for you Vvoid.

As for guns Sean, here are the normal guns:

"light pistol" - 2d6 damage - 10 shots - 200$
"heavy pistol" - 2d8 damage - 6 shots - 300$ - requires a minimum of 1d6 Str

"rife" - 3d6 damage - 8 shots - 500$ - requires a minimum of 1d6 Str
"sniper rifle" - 2d10 damage - 6 shots - 2000$ - extra range, requires a minimum of 1d8 Str, snapfire penalty (have to aim before shooting I think)

"shotgun" - 1/2/3d6 damage (based on range) - 12 shots - 350$ - requires a minimum of 1d8 Str, shotgun rules (+2 to hit)

Those are the normal bullet guns, there are runic laser guns, but they're all 1000s of $ so outside our cost range unless Rich or somthing.
Awesome, thanks for the heads up. It sort of bothered me that guns were so much more powerful than standard melee weapons in this setting, but I figured that was just how it was. I'm definitely lacking in standard rulebook comprehension, but my book should show up today, which means plenty of poop-time reading to learn the rules!

And Vaclav, make sure you post your ideas here so we can tell you if something we've read contradicts what you're thinking it does, or would benefit you, etc. I've already found out about this change to damage, Zhaun learned that Background/Creation Edges don't have to be taken at creation anymore, etc.


Vyemm Raider
There was talk of a second group earlier in the thread, is that still a possibility? I've only played a pen and paper once before but I would love to try again. I could probably talk my SO into playing as well.
Black Sun Wizard mentioned he might GM another game. There's more than enough interest for a second Friday game and a Saturday game also. Just need somebody to step up and offer to GM.


A nice asshole.
Only complaint I'd have was my own lack of familiarity using a mic, kept hearing my voice echo in Skype which forced me to stutter a bit. (Got a theory why to test though - my hearing is pretty sharp and wife (simpler than saying 22 years together but not married when doing text even though we're not in a common law state) is deaf on her side facing me at our PC setup - gotta test if her headset was too loud and I was hearing my echo in hers rather than my own.
Open speaker settings(not mic) in control panel/sound make sure line in is muted/all the way down. That ends up being my issue every time.

Also I play pathfinders with group of friends but not often enough so I will be joining you guys in the future if you will have me.(can't this friday I am out of town).

Also interested in GM I am currently writing a horror campaign that will fit into any pen and paper RPG including NWod and GURPS.