Karazhan Raider
This part of your response was more serious than mine. You, buddy, looove fuckin' banners. For next April you should make a hundred of them. A scrolling nightmare.Maybe this is your impression, but you're wrong. The last 4 banner notifications were for:
-The PCC Opt-in (important)
-The new Forumquest Changes which announced a re-org of the forums (important)
-The FoH Gun Club (not as important if you don't care about guns, but worth promoting)
-Amod Elections (ummm, important?)
After that you have to go back to a notice about database upgrades that might impact site performance temporarily, and then a Xmas giveaway of currency from 8 months ago. If you think all of that is just frivolous and not worth notifying the userbase about then I don't know what to tell you. Even with the notifications I can hardly get a lot of people to read about important site changes and updates. For instance, Teekey still hasn't figured out which thread to read and thinks he's banned from pol despite all the notifications.
They are opt-in access, closed as in closed to the public, members only, etc.No threads have been closed, just moved around, so you're wrong about that one.
I suppose I understand the reasoning behind the pcc move. Full disclosure, this was my initial thought when I glanced the following:What current decisions regarding monetization are "unsustainable"? It's currently going very well, and it's entirely optional. Furthermore being donation based rather than ad revenue based keeps us independent from the people who control advertising on the internet. How is that a bad thing, especially since donations are entirely voluntary and optional?
As Alk said, before there was no 'cage', now there is, so you're wrong about that one. My intent is to keep politics from bleeding into the rest of the forum as much as possible.
As for your contention that I'm somehow above the userbase and not involved or participating, nothing could be further from the truth. I'm here every day monitoring things and making sure everything is running well, and have been doing so for more than 2 years now. I participate in threads as I see fit, and do my best to contribute in the way I know how. As for the additions to the site I try to make, my philosophy is to give the people things to play with, not myself. It's not about me, it's about the site and always has been. If people disagree with my decisions about what's fun and games, hey fine, they can't all be winners. But it's always my intent to add to and improve the site first and foremost.
This is laughable pussy shit.As I explained in the ForumQuest 2.0 thread, the PCC forum is going to become a place where users must opt-in to a usergroup to be able to access those threads. This is being done to further insulate that area from anyone who is not a member of FoH and might wish to do us harm from being able to access that area in today's political climate and use anything posted there against our users or the site itself.
What's the process for gaining access to the PCC forum? It's very easy.
1. Go to the Shop tab at the top of the forum and click on it.
2. Where it says "Categories" on the left, click on "Passes".
3. You should see 1 item called a "Bully Pol Pit Pass". This item costs 140 Latinum, which is equal to 14 days(!) of site membership you must spend to purchase this item. Click on the "Purchase" button.
4. Click "Add to Cart".
5. A cart widget should appear on your left, click "view cart/checkout". EDIT: On Mobile, click the "Categories" button again to view cart.
6. You should have 1 item selected in your cart. Click on "Purchase".
7. Huzzah! You're now part of the group who can access and post in The Bully Pol Pit! Congrats?
8. If you should ever change your mind, go to your inventory page in the shop and click "Discard" on the Pit Pass item and you will no longer have access. If you change your mind yet again, repeat steps 1-7.
I'm not enabling this just yet, as I want everyone who posts in that area to have a seamless transition without running into error messages. To that end, I will give everyone until Monday August 3rd, 2020 -1 week from today- to buy their Pit Passes before I restrict access to anyone who has not purchased this item.
If anyone has any questions or problems, feel free to ask in this thread.
Thanks, and happy Foruming everyone!
That said, I browse the political thread once every few months at best. I'm not the target audience. I appreciate that you took the time to reply.
I would ask to move nonpolitical threads from pcc to off topic. That way folks that choose not to opt in can view those nonpolitical threads.
Feedback, specifically critical feedback, is healthy and helps to improve things overall. I think we're so used to interwebz insults and shit--completely different from interaction in person-- that we interpret everything as a grievance and fail to see plain-spoken feedback when it is given.
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