Oh, so you worked at one of the Big 3 like me? I worked at General Motors for 6 years, hired as a software engineer. Despite being a Computer Science graduate who wanted to code shit I got put on some team of "Cognos Developers" who were shockingly incompetent at everything. I sat around doing fuck all there but practicing other stuff and dicking around because I was young and bored. Sought out some mentors on other orgs who could show me if the company was actually doing anything interesting.
I eventually got put on a QA team that I hated, told them I was going to quit and they put me on a slightly more interesting performance engineering team. Sought out other mentors from other orgs but stayed on the performance engineering team. Got bored again and quit a few years later and dramatically improved my career trajectory in under 3 years. Making almost triple what I was at GM and also working less.
Sounds like you faced general adversity that everyone faces and instead decided to cry racism and be a whiney little bitch about it.
Going from 22-year-old college grad hire to an exec in such a short period is by all accounts a meteoric rise. No idea what the fuck you're getting on about.
We worked at the same company, small world. I worked in the Kansas City Regional Office for Pontiac Motor Division (and then for Pontiac-Buick-GMC, and then for all divisions after all of the mergers). It was like the wild wild west out there. Maybe it was different at Central Office, but in the field, anything went.
There was no crying, never once did I say a word. But the Regional Manager was told he better stop having minorities wash out. He had a much higher washout rate then all of the other regions. It started with putting us in an office and giving us no responsibility (because he couldn't trust us). We just sat there to rot. And the other Employees would say the most ignorant stuff, and he'd tell us we needed to handle it, when legally it was his responsibility. I literally had people call me a Black piece of shit right in front of the Managers, and they'd ignore it. A lawsuit waiting to happen, but I never said a word, I just kept working 80-90 hour weeks until I got noticed.
Eventually, when I got out of the damn hideaway office, I got my first quota of cars to move. They absolutely loved me after that. I didn't know how to get people to do anything. I read up on sales books, I took self improvement classes, I pestered the bosses for advice. And then I discovered that I had the ability to get people to buy things from me. Its one thing that has never left. That's when they loved me. I think my first preference (what they called quota) back then was for like 200k in Trans Ams in the dead of Winter. Nobody wanted those cars, the slightest bit of wetness and they'd wreck. RWD cars back then were horrible. Other people had been in the job months before me, had much more training, and I started crushing them in sales. Literally, I was outselling the guy who had a District 1000% larger in KC metro for a bit.
I had to do the shit myself, the Whites, they were all pulled aside and told how to prosper from day one. Only after I filled my first quota, did I start getting trained like everybody else. But yeah, even after that, coworkers were constantly saying Blacks shouldn't be there, and the really backwards ones did everything they could to get me fired. They'd make up stories just to get me gone. It didn't matter, I hustled, they started to respect my hustle, and I just stayed away from office politics.
GM got better the 12 years I was there, but it used to be super hostile. By the time I was a Junior Exec, no more problems. I already earned my stripes, and at level 7, you are one of the bosses and not one of the mid level Managers.
I did love my time there, its just how they treated me when I first got there. They did everything they could to get rid of me. What I loved was that by the time I was a Junior Exec, I had complete autonomy and didn't really answer to anyone (as long as I met quota). I sure didn't like the pay. And towards the end, it got so bad when GM started slowing down, you'd have $3-4 million to sell by the end of the day, or else!
Eventually, I got sick of how they were paying me, and now I sell my own shit. If you can learn to sell 3 or 4 million in a day, you can learn to sell your own goods. Sad thing was, in other industries, they were paying their District Managers 250k+ a year. I remember, after I got my MBA from Texas, I went to go work as a Regional Finance Manager for a big box retailer, and couldn't believe the DM's were knocking back 20k a month.
Its not been an easy trip to where I am now. Race still comes up with some customers, but I just walk away. I go run an estimate, and they act like I'm trying to break into the house, even though they called me, and I've identified myself. I don't run all of my estimates, I have customers I've never met. We had one that had used us, he finds out the owner is Black and says he doesn't do business with my kind. This was recent.
sorry for the derail, talk to me in PM's or in my business thread. I don't care to discuss the White man feeling like they are so oppressed any more, that's silly.