I wish I was... then I could post "Hey I wonder if this happens" without pussies reporting my post.You're wrong.
Leftist Twitter that's pro-banning is here.*rubs hands in potential ban from TV and movies section*
I wish I was... then I could post "Hey I wonder if this happens" without pussies reporting my post.You're wrong.
Leftist Twitter that's pro-banning is here.*rubs hands in potential ban from TV and movies section*
Nope, but thank you for exemplifying how this entire forum works (esp with me). Bullshit spreads by dunces with piss poor reading comprehension who proliferate said bullshit.I thought you quit the forums, fag
Nope, but thank you for exemplifying how this entire forum works (esp with me). Bullshit spreads by dunces with piss poor reading comprehension who proliferate said bullshit.
Nope, sorry. I just don't trust LLR to be a good, unbiased leader on any level so it was a "I'm sure I'll be banned, so goodbye".you literally wrote a weepy goodbye rant
Nope, sorry. I just don't trust LLR to be a good, unbiased leader on any level so it was a "I'm sure I'll be banned, so goodbye".
You people are literally so low IQ, you probably believe Russia isn't a poor country.
lol you literally cried in your post. it read like a suicide note
But you don't, and comments like this prove it.if you had a modicum of decent reading comprehension, you'd have seen this.
But you don't, and comments like this prove it.
Please quote where I "cried"? Please quote where I threatened or even MENTIONED suicide you illogical dunce.
The post is easily found and able to be quoted. Do it.
As usual, you people won't because you can't because: y'all are all nuts LoL, and it took a right-wing logical tranny to milk this insanity out of y'all (just like it takes a me to milk the utter hate out of supposed leftist "trans allies"), and I'm very proud of that.
i ddnt say it waqs a suicide note, i said it read like one. for all the talk of accusing others of being unable to read, it seems like youre incapable of i yourself.
p.s. i dont remember where you posted your word vomit. quote it here so we can have a good laugh
Hey look... another "Vanessa was right" example. Wow~The post is easily found and able to be quoted. Do it.
As usual, you people won't because you can't because: y'all are all nuts LoL
WB,It did because I never quit. But reading comprehension isn't your forte and never has been, virgin.
Nope. Never did. You're right up there with Punko, which is HORRIBLY sad.
You're doing what virtually this entire forum has done... making me into something you want me to be instead of what I am.
You guys don't know me IRL and that's just how it is.
Challenge to everyone who thought I rage-quit: Find in my post where I said I was quitting VERSUS just saying a pre-emptive goodbye post because LLR has a history of just banning whomever triggers him and I thought he would (which, he kinda did [see O]
How this forum could support his totalitarian fascist biased leadership is gross, and it took this last little stint of him yet again swinging his Napoleon-esque small ego around on me just because he gets triggered over me owning people and being a Christian is beyond me.
He wants to 100% erase me because I destroy everything he believes in and that's proven by the fact he just closed the thread so it will be sunken into the depths of the rickshaw (though I'd take an IQ test with him any time, any day and rub the results in every chance I get).
O - But his plan is thus: lock my thread, and ANYWHERE I post, he will say to stop or I get rickshawed (which is basically banning me because I can't stand being restrained... I'm not Foler and just shit-post non-stop with lies). I can no longer have ANY sort of opinions really due to fear this little bitch will ban me. I'm essentially relegated to walking the tight-rope, so to ME, this place has become everywhere else when I used to feel I could say anything I want without repercussions of censorship. Not anymore, due to this little snowflake dictator.
He's a pussy on the highest level, on par with Dom & Twitter blue-hairs who block and censor anything that triggers them (see: H3H3 recently).
LLR is so illogically paranoid that he banned me from Pol because he thought I'd try to "out" this places most notorious hate piles.
Won't happen. I know you're going to ban me, snowflake... not an "if" but "when" thing but rest assured, as I stated multiple times, I'm not coming back on an alt (though that won't stop the paranoia from happening because you're all batshit) and I wouldn't try to pull a Kegkilla (or his partner, I forgot.. Oldbased was it? Can't remember exactly) and burn this place down posthumously. You're a completely illogical, biased dicksnout but I still respect THIS PLACE and freedom of speech (unlike you) so no... quell your paranoid madness, nerd.
Hey look... another "Vanessa was right" example. Wow~
These people aren't my bros... the ones who shower me with most of the (negative) attention I get. My bros here are the rational casuals who have not been reprogrammed by the GG/SJW thread that see how I am (versus how they imagine me).
I take bias very personally, yes, especially when it impacts freedom of speech/expression.You take this waaaay to personally.
I know. Leaving this forum is actually very easy. That doesn't mean I quit or ever said I did.you did leave for a few days, your logon time said so.
Nope. He needs to be called out.Chill with LLR.
I can't just shrug off a triggered snowflake tiny dick banning me from certain sections (my favorite section) of the forum either by force or by threat. That's not just a "hurr durr, you're a man" type of thing. Sure I'll respond to illogicals that say that and own them just by saying "quote me where I said I wasn't", but that juvenile stuff doesn't bother me... it's being censored, which LLR is a little bitch that DOES for no reason other than "I don't like what this person says". Pussy... exemplary pussy.Just shrug it off, don't have to respond with all your emotions and rage to everything. Eventually the jabs will die down. Don't have to suicide by cop all the time, really.
There it is. Your de facto go to when you have NOTHING concerning the actual point and get owned.man pretending to be a woman calls everyone crazy
Sounds like a you problem (just like thinking Russia isn't poor).i dont remember where
Yes, dragging LLR is spazzing out... more of that reality you are soooo in line with, right? Lmao~you spazzed out
I already knew you'd go here as I was typing my post. You are the right-wing SJW identity politics NPC that you think you aren't... it's hilarious
Delusional retard thinks that quote was being a victim? What's literally wrong with you, "Russia isn't poor" retard?Lol, you LIVE for the opportunities to screech about being a victim, you deranged faggot.