A penis on a woman is okay, but if it's big... oh hell naw. Yup, I can see the funnies... I missed that~
I'm okay with spiders in my cereal, but if they're tarantulas, it
then ruins the cereal.
Okay retard, since Amods like Blazin are either too lazy or too inept to see that what I was asking for was legitimate as far as our poll agreement, after a restful nights sleep I've decided to
call your bluff agree to your terms:
still the village idiot of the forums and I
still dislike the hell out of you, but I'll both cya at FoHCon AND I accept your vacation terms with a caveat: Send Jasker and I to
das Mutterland (Germany) for a week instead of some country where they'd want to behead me for simply existing. I don't trust the sound of Brunei... sounds Muslim af.
I'm bringing Lucille with me in case you get out of line in DC and I
will crack some skulls if I must!