My people are superior even to the whites so its ok.Plot twist: Wormie's not even white, he's Jewish.
Waiting to be banned for calling out rampart racism in this websites forums
You guys sure jump to doxing really quick when someone points out the obvious
It's fear bud.
You guys sure jump to doxing really quick when someone points out the obvious
Did u ever watch that Southpark episode and think maybe China might dox the really fucked up shit US citizens do online while sitting next to their wife.
Bye bye. Dont let the door hit you in your nonwhite, inferior vagina on your way out.Bye guys, had fun raiding EQ with you.
Didn't realize you were all a bunch of sheltered ass teet sucking racists until the games got old.
Really sad.
Make sure to check out the aforementioned Mike Brown thread. Its full of laughs.I think browsing the site with this new view will help me laugh at it more.
If you guys have freedom of speech to be racist. Does that mean I have freedom of speech to share yours with your family and friends ?Make sure to check out the aforementioned Mike Brown thread. Its full of laughs.
If you guys have freedom of speech to be racist. Does that mean I have freedom of speech to share yours with your family and friends ?