Yeah I just make the atheism/theism thread my 2nd most frequented thread on this forum just because I rolled some D&D dice and it was 12 and I looked and saw that thread was the 12th thread down and I was like, "
Wellp, that's the thread I'm gonna now pretend to be a character in and troll the everliving shit out of it".
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Oh also, I post Scripture on my private FB page that I only have my RL friends on there just to "maintain the illusion" in case any paranoid freaks on this forum want to doxx me.
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I assume this is your logic here Scream heh... whatevs.
Look, I realize you hate every single person on this forum and are just here to stir the pot but c'mon... I personally don't hate you. If you're a Hollywood guy who chums with celebs great; I'm just saying... wow us dude. Make me a believer... I'm not looking to doxx you if you think this is what its about nor to PM you for some attention-whore antics if you're legit; I don't give a fuck if you're a jizz mopper, a key grip, Bill Maher himself, or whatever. I'd simply love to see some evidence of your claims. What did Carl Sagan say once?
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.