You said Scream was just like Foler (and you had previously lumped those two with Utnayan before)
Aye, because my spidey sense tingles about them being full of shit. Did anyone REALLY believe Ut was a NFL Viking's member? Did anyone REALLY believe Foler was a millionaire? You know Falxy claimed to be a sub-millionaire? Guess what? I believed him because of his tone and how he talked, and guess what? He posted PROOF he was when asked about it. He didn't get rustled, he didn't think the world was out to get him or that he was being potentially doxxed, or this or that. He and I are cool too... never had a problem with him. Coincidence? Nope.
People on the internet lie just to make themselves seem cool, and it's clown-world level shit and I think people deserve to be made fun of when they lie about their boasts... not to have their damn lives destroyed for it, but yes, absolutely have their balls dragged through the mud for being such a douche and lying about who you are in an effort to seem cool or whatever.
I was asking a very simple question which seem to rustle him greatly: Was there any validity to the rumor that Screamfeeder is some Hollywood elite? ...and all I got back was a resounding NO in addition to massive ad hominems flung my way. Does that seem... like regular behavior to you??? But I'm the asshole here? LoL
To some people, supporting Trump is being a racist and bigot
I know this, and
fear of that is giving the left an edge, don't you see that? Fear keeps many conservative people from rising up and keeping America what it was, and we will fall because of it, just as Babylon fell. Christian conservatives and atheist conservatives are very very different in WHY they support Trump that's for sure. One side feels it's a biblical war. The other side feels its a cultural war. Same conclusion (the
home), VASTLY different set of moral values (the
road to the previously mentioned
home) but it ultimately leads to #Trump2020. I know you guys LOVE to put me on blast for being retarded but deep down you know I'm right... about a lot.
This forum of full of total and complete assholes, racists and sexists and bigots who claim they're not, and a whole host of other issues.
I know. I'm glad we agree. It's what free speech allows for and what I cherish as a Conservative. That's why I don't give a shit what you guys think about me one iota. We're in this together but that doesn't mean I think you guys are good people (again, not necessarily meaning YOU). It's all about what you as an individual believe. I repeat: Same conclusion, VASTLY different set of moral values.
But, honestly, so what? If the world is moving forward as much as you claim, they're just dinosaurs waiting to go extinct.
Again, nuance. Moving forward as I claim as far as not discriminating against gays for being gay or hating people for the crime of simply being born in the skin that they're in, but also calling out crap like the LGBTQWTF for trying to distort reality by saying that biological sex is malleable, that Xir is a legitimate pronoun to use in society, that it's racist to say N***** but calling a white person a honkey cracker
isn't racist because blacks can't be racist and so on and so forth. Nuance.
Shitting on someone's
choices versus shitting on someone's
attributes that they cannot help is a VERY important distinction between me and... some of you.
As far as my name, DickT seems like an odd choice.
Exactly, that's why I asked, I felt odd typing that but when talking to you you run into amusing statements like,
"I like Dick just fine!"
DT it is, since you said. Good joke about you expecting me to use the longest one though haha, that's what earned you that worf