Molten Core Raider
- 1,467
- 101
I'm sorry, why are we still talking?
I'm sorry, why are we still talking?
SOTN is the best platform game ever, end of discussion.As far as I am concerned, Symphony of the Night single-handedly killed the Castlevania franchise. Just before it you had Castlevenia IV (or however you want to call the one on SNES/SFC) and Dracula X (or however you want to call the one on Super CD-Rom^2) two absolutely brilliantgamesfor totally different reasons, that never get the sequels they deserved because of the poor man's Metroid that is Symphony of the Night. Worse, we got 761235 sequels of Symphony of the Night, each one less inspired than the next, to the point the whole "platforming exploration with new abilities allowing to reach new places" became metroidvania. The worst thing is that I played them all...
Some people would say that the franchise has recently been reborn by becoming the poor man's God of War, but yeah... I'll still fume over the sequel that never were and the soiled Metroid legacy.
Inverting the castle in SOTN, same thing for me.Yeah, my best friend and I were stuck on Simon's Quest for like 2 months before we found out how to pass a certain part. I forget which part, but I remember standing at some dead end and you had to do some obscure bullshit. I don't' remember how we finally figured it out and/or heard how to do it. Life before the internet!
As far as I am concerned, Symphony of the Night single-handedly killed the Castlevania franchise. Just before it you had Castlevenia IV (or however you want to call the one on SNES/SFC) and Dracula X (or however you want to call the one on Super CD-Rom^2) two absolutely brilliantgamesfor totally different reasons, that never get the sequels they deserved because of the poor man's Metroid that is Symphony of the Night. Worse, we got 761235 sequels of Symphony of the Night, each one less inspired than the next, to the point the whole "platforming exploration with new abilities allowing to reach new places" became metroidvania. The worst thing is that I played them all...
Some people would say that the franchise has recently been reborn by becoming the poor man's God of War, but yeah... I'll still fume over the sequel that never were and the soiled Metroid legacy.
I am afraid that award also goes to Castlevania IV and by a significant margin. Oddly, a guy named Taro Kudo did the music for it and Axelay as his only twovideogame music credits and they are two of the best scores invideogame history. You figure that out...and don't forget the greatest Castlevania soundtrack ever.