Revival - Lovecraftian Horror Roleplaying Sandbox MMORPG

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Lord Nagafen Raider
Lead Revival devs will be on Revivalcast today at 4pm Eastern doing a Q&A. I'll be one of the guest hosts, so you can make fun of me too.



Lord Nagafen Raider
The first release of Revival is out today... if you're a home owner, you can download the offline client and walk around inside your house(s).



Have to say I'm really blown away with the Stage I release of housing. First off, my house is much larger than I expected it to be. Music is excellent. Very atmospheric. Not much to do yet but walk/run around and open doors, turn on lanterns, light torches and or fireplace. But the attention to detail is incredible, even at this early stage. The lighting system isn't in game but but it looks good as is. Character models are placeholders but look better then most games do today. This game needs to come out like right fucking now.









Doer of Things
The concept sounds awesome, but I'll wait til I see something a little more in depth than a website with a FAQ.


Useless lazy bastard.
I can see myself spending quite a lot on this game if it happens. Like Eonan I am waiting to see more then a tech demo that you can move around a placeholder char in before throwing my money at them.


Lord Nagafen Raider
They just released all of the room renovation kits... if you have a house with an upgradable room, you can apply these kits to it... for crafting, sacrifices, and so on

They are wrapping up Stage 1 of development and entering Stage 2, which is building out the first city of Crown's Rock.



Just a Nurse
Is that music from the game or did you put that in in the background? It's beautiful.


Nice to see mmos getting more diverse by making a game for homosexuals.
You can have sex with women. It's just that odds are 99% chance it's a guy on the end of those pixels. :p

I actually have several female friends who are property owners in this game. If the game ever sees the light of day I think it's going to be a huge draw for the World of Darkness crowd.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Eh, that depends on their pricing model and how much of the game is effectively locked behind cashwalls and RL-time resource regen that can be bypassed with cash. Granted, from the get-go this was aimed at whales specifically, so perhaps there's enough whale cash to keep them profitable post release.


Eh, that depends on their pricing model and how much of the game is effectively locked behind cashwalls and RL-time resource regen that can be bypassed with cash. Granted, from the get-go this was aimed at whales specifically, so perhaps there's enough whale cash to keep them profitable post release.
You can get a property fairly cheaply. There are still several on the most popular server for under $36.00. So the barrier to play isn't that great. Any additional money grab above the subscription fee sounds like it will be purely cosmetic in nature. Furniture, art, full custom room design for housing. One of the coolest things about Revival is the devs are in IRC pretty much every day. They very openly discuss the game design as well as financing. These guys are genuinely fans of the genre. I don't get the impression they will go Archeage with Revival in any sense when it comes to a cash shop. There's been quite a bit of open discussion in IRC and on the Forums about the topic. People want to play the game, not play to pay taxes on property, etc. Remains to be seen but so far I trust these guys. Will they get enough money to finish it? That's the question. Losing the Star Citizen revenue really hurt.

Speaking of whales, the Mansions are going to go up for sale any day now. There are five of them. I'm guessing a minimum $2k starting point. With Shroud of the Avatar second hand market properties going for as much as $10k , the Revival guys may go for high end, but I kind of doubt it. But I'm curious myself to see how much they ask and how fast they sell out.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Well, there's no GM events on non gold servers, which have an additional cost attached to them. Not even "rare" but flat out "no" (according to the dev in the, Lethality's big post from page one) and it's not just housing as an entry to play. Specifically, boats, permanent mounts, buffs and even custom content can all be bought and paid for, as well as the ingame SP currency being directly purchasable from their cash shop. With no idea how their mechanics are actually working, purchasing a boat may be required for large chunks of the game. Having specific buffs may be required, etc etc. This smells like Horizon (tons of "awesome" features that will never make it to being in the game) except with Star Citizen style whale-baiting thrown in for good measure.

And I'm positive said whales are out there. I wouldn't be surprised if people spend quite a bit of real money buying pixels, because it happens every day in thousands of mobile p2w games. Since apparently there's nothing to "win" in this game, I'd be curious what the threshold for pixels would be. 2k might be conservative, as even Star Citizen has destructible ships for more than that, and unless you are playing on a gold server (though lets be honest, GMs aren't going to destroy the whales' investments without recompense) the housing would effectively be permanent, so probably a better investment and might drive the cost up.

Still no game to really talk about yet, though.


I get your points. I don't necessarily disagree either. I know someone who is prepared to drop thousands for one of the Mansions that is due to be released soon. It's like Shroud of the Avatar in that respect, without the nostalgia driving the willingness to spend incredible amounts of cash. You are definitely correct that people will spend a ton of money in this game. I'm just not so sure it's necessarily a bad thing. Boats are a good example. Like you I think they will be pretty pricey. But I know that someone in the guild I plan to run with will buy one, so I don't care. Worse case scenario you buy passage on someone's boat. Kinda cool I think.

I guess my point is, we don't have enough concrete information to make a judgement either way on whether or not real world money is going to negatively affect Revival. If the game is PvP territory centric, then obviously the guilds with the largest whales will have a huge advantage due to resources they have bought (boats for trading, farms, personal crafting stations in homes, etc). If the game is more 'contend with The Old Gods' PvE driven, maybe not so much. Remains to be seen. I suspect the "Have's" versus "Have nots" will be a big factor as well. If you are strutting around being a dick with your cash shop opulence, that's painting a huge target on your back. From what I've read, if 200 players decide to burn your $3k Mansion to the ground, it's doable. And no you won't lose the real estate, but supposedly the cost to rebuild will be considerable. And if you can't pay real world money to do so, that's significant.

The game is really a bunch of ideas more than anything right now. The themes and design that have been talked about are so compelling I kind of just want to see it in action. Whales or not.