Well, there's no GM events on non gold servers, which have an additional cost attached to them. Not even "rare" but flat out "no" (according to the dev in the shi..er, Lethality's big post from page one) and it's not just housing as an entry to play. Specifically, boats, permanent mounts, buffs and even custom content can all be bought and paid for, as well as the ingame SP currency being directly purchasable from their cash shop. With no idea how their mechanics are actually working, purchasing a boat may be required for large chunks of the game. Having specific buffs may be required, etc etc. This smells like Horizon (tons of "awesome" features that will never make it to being in the game) except with Star Citizen style whale-baiting thrown in for good measure.
And I'm positive said whales are out there. I wouldn't be surprised if people spend quite a bit of real money buying pixels, because it happens every day in thousands of mobile p2w games. Since apparently there's nothing to "win" in this game, I'd be curious what the threshold for pixels would be. 2k might be conservative, as even Star Citizen has destructible ships for more than that, and unless you are playing on a gold server (though lets be honest, GMs aren't going to destroy the whales' investments without recompense) the housing would effectively be permanent, so probably a better investment and might drive the cost up.
Still no game to really talk about yet, though.