Rick and Morty


Life's a Dream
Yeah, this episode was horrendous. I might have even fallen asleep during it, not that it would matter.


Honorary Shit-PhD
<Gold Donor>
What the fuck just happened.

This was the worst try-hard piece of no-humor garbage I've ever experienced. When within the first 60 seconds they felt the need to spell out and explain all the "jokes" up to that point, I knew I was in for a good time. Didn't laugh one time.

Something that might have made me laugh: at some point, they're horrified to discover 7 wiping her mouth and licking her lips over the remains of a 9. No explanation, just reaction and let the audience put the pieces together. You know, like how witty humor is supposed to work.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Speaking of which, y'know how sometimes shows get downloaded with subs already on, I had that and was too lazy to flip them off and as such caught a joke I probably wouldn't have otherwise since I was so busy rolling my eyes at the rest of the "humor", and that was the big bad guy being called not Dreadnaught but Dread Nought. Hell I didn't even see the 7 8 9 joke you mentioned.
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
Well I said Krapopolis was shit but it's kind of grown on me, it's definitely not typical Harmon humor but maybe Roiland had more influence on his work than I thought


Life's a Dream
I liked this week's episode. It made me giggle a few times, which is better than most. Big Foot wasn't a bad character, and I liked the after credits scene of letting him go. Good stuff.


Tranny Chaser
I've got some real questions now for who the fuck wrote/greenlit the absolute fucking stinkers this season had. This was a solid episode in a season with a lot of shit in it.


Life's a Dream
Tonight's episode has been a home run so far. But I'm still pretty early into it.

EDIT: Ok, it's over. Been over a while now, and it was fantastic. I really enjoyed it. Good job.
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OU Ariakas

Diet Dr. Pepper Enjoyer
<Silver Donator>
The excellence of the last episode stands in stark contrast to how shitty most of the others were. That last one was a classic.


Honorary Shit-PhD
<Gold Donor>
That episode is irrefutable proof that the current writers for this show suck ass and are irredeemable.

Clearly, Roiland had some extensive notes for future season finale style story narratives. The studio retained them and used them to create this fantastic episode. All of the other episodes were up to the new writers, and so they FUCKING SUCKED ASS.
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
You know you can look up which writer did individual episodes right? The writer for the Fear hole also did the fortune cookie and pasta episodes so you could guess it would be better than Numbericons, which was done by the Planetina and night family writer.
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Molten Core Raider
The last episode was really good.

Night Family had a good idea at the base. The execution was meh.
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Honorary Shit-PhD
<Gold Donor>
You know you can look up which writer did individual episodes right? The writer for the Fear hole also did the fortune cookie and pasta episodes so you could guess it would be better than Numbericons, which was done by the Planetina and night family writer.

That's who was credited with the episode, i.e. who took the notes and ran with them. Roiland isn't going to get credit for his notes.

I'm sticking with my explanation, it makes the most sense.


<Gold Donor>
It's sad that what would be considered a shit episode in the early seasons is seen as some instant classic in the absolute travesty that is these later seasons, especially post-roiland.

The episode you are creaming your pants over is barely 5/10. Everything else this season has been 1/10 which is why it seems good by contrast

faggots and women ruin everything once they are hired on to start writing. Allowing the faggots and women to push out the creator is a cardinal sin.
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Tranny Chaser
The episode you are creaming your pants over is barely 5/10.

At this point I'm just happy to get any episode that's similar to how the show used to be. Is this an episode of Rick and Morty y/n with a lot of episodes these day not meeting that basic threshold. Rise of the Numbercons or that Quato bullshit or Hugh Jackman are more dreadful fan fiction than they are Rick and Morty.
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A nice asshole.
Finally caught up, even the best episode was shit tier and the quatto ep. was some of the worst television I have ever seen. Thought I would be happy for more Rick and Morty but seems like it is going the way of all shows that run too long.
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